How and why to conduct customer research for digital products |

Aug 8, 2023

The contemporary consumer wants an experience that is understood by the brand in a person-to-person way. Here are the steps to making sure your business and products do just that.

Remember the last date you had with someone who went very good.

It was like someone else 'got' the other person, didn't they?

Like, prior to speaking, that person knew what you were thinking as if they were on the same with you. They were at ease with your desires and requirements from your connection.

Now, think about your last interaction with a brand you truly love.

Perhaps it was an experience similar to yours. They seemed to anticipate your requirements and offer solutions well before you asked. They also made sure that you had an as smooth and seamless experience as possible starting from the moment you met them until the today.

Yes, sometimes competitors will offer you cheaper discounts, but if your similar to 73% of consumers  who are in the 73%, the price alone isn't enough to tip your hand and convince you to ditch your trusty name.

You, as it is with three of four customers , are willing to pay more with a business that's delivered consistent excellence over the duration of your partnership.

Are you pondering how to build that same sense of trust with your clients? Are you concerned that it could be an art that is only available for the elite of business?

Don't worry, there's no need to worry.

All it boils down to being aware of your clients better than your competitors, and it's much easier than you imagine.

Today, we'll talk about the best ways to conduct effective market research using a small budget. But before we get into the details, let's examine the issues.

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How effective customer research can set businesses from the competition

Have you heard of the phrase "it's the market for buyers"?

Typically used to describe real estate and employment, markets shift to buyer-centricity in the event that the demand outweighs the demand of the item. In those markets where the buyers are in charge rather than the company who has the best selection of the available options.

After all, approximately 380 new websites develop every minute. There's no shortage of competitors competing for customers' attention. However, while that might sound daunting but it's actually a good thing.

For consumers, it means consumers don't have to deal with poor customer service and products that aren't up to par. For businesses, it implies they are able to stand distinct from other businesses in the sea of similarity by offering more rich, more seamless interactions and interaction with their clients.

In the event that you distinguish yourself by a higher level of engagement, customers are willing to speak up for them  regardless of whether they're part of the B2B or B2C audience.

As the graph shows, this isn't one that most businesses are successful in achieving.

B2C companies are more successful than the B2B sector However, 47% of people think brands could do better in increasing engagement.

In either case, it is clear that there's a gap in customer expectations and experiences, and it's a gap that can only be mended with an effective research into customer needs.

In the end, could you come up with a different way to meet these demands without understanding the person behind these demands?

74% of customers would prefer to be treated as individuals and not specific niches.

33% of consumers think that businesses must anticipate their needs before they need to.

70% of your target audience will expect your marketing messages to cater specifically to them and only the audience they are.

The statistics don't just pertain to those in the United States, by the manner, even though they're among the highest across the U.S.

72% of the people in the UK indicate they won't consider a brand unless they demonstrate that they understand and value the customers in a person-to-person way.

So, is that the end of the story?

No matter where they're located the customers don't like firms that treat them the same way as regular invoices.

They are expecting you to get to know them, empathize with them as well as create products and promotions to meet their demands as people.

And the best way to accomplish this is to go to the depths and research regarding your potential audience.

If you do this, you'll be above the rest of the pack.

Skip it and you'll blend in.

As for getting started, there are a variety of methods for investigating your audience, but there's one you shouldn't ignore.

(The first, obviously.)

#1. Write down your research and your marketing objectives from the start

It may seem as an unnecessary step however, it's the basis of your study as well. While different research techniques are able to be combined and matched depending on your preference it's got to be your first.


Two motives.

The first one is an analysis from 2005 that examined the relation between goal achievement and whether the goals were written down. In groups where people recorded their goals as opposed to those who kept it inside their head, the performance uptick was significant.

Take a look:

The second reason for setting and capturing your goals is less about research and more about conserving your resources.

If you know what your goals are, you'll shave off waste and narrow in to the essential information you need for understanding your target audience and their demands.

While if your goals are in vain, you're likely to expend time and money trying to filter across the endless sea of data that you'll find during your research.

And this isn't just supposition By the method.

Setting and documenting the goals, procedures, research, and the tactics that emerge from these are essential to the successful operation of a modern-day product. Marketers who have goals set have 429percent higher likely to report success over those who abandon their objectives to chance.

Which is probably why among firms that are hiring marketing  that the most important qualities that an applicant will demonstrate are managing projects as well as data analysis and the ability to derive insight from customer information.

As for how to set your objectives for yourself, the SMART framework is still the best option for defining and checking your objectives.

If you've never heard of it, here's how the acronym breaks down:

Let's run through a quick example.

It is said that the first goal is to understand your viewers. This is in line with the primary metric of specificity -- it's not quantifiable, time-based, or attainable without further details.

So going back to scratch, you might amend your goals to include something similar to this:

You'll understand your audience's top three pain points with the use of digital marketing products prior to developing your newest ebook.

This is a fantastic goal because it helps us:

Narrow down the scope of the things we're trying to find in our research

Determine the significance of the study to the business need

Pick a deadline for the completion of the task.

Quantify the data meaningfully in order to develop new products

This all answers issues raised by the SMART system through providing specificity, measurability, achievability, the ability to be relevant, as well as time restrictions.

If you're looking for a more visual method, the graphic below gives a fantastic overview of the individual sections and other points to keep in mind as you run through your objectives.

It's all good. Once you're familiar with your goals and understand the reason why research on customers is important, it's time to proceed to the next stage.

Watching competitor products.

#2. Spy on product reviews to find high-level overviews

This is what I am referring to.

If you're looking to find out more about the audience that could benefit from the books, look to already-available products on the market. In particular, take a look at the products that excel in the same area to gather valuable qualitative data .

These are reviews of a book that has high reviews at Amazon, UX Strategy: How to Design Innovative Digital Products that People Want . A quick look at the reviews, and look for patterns in the reviews.

What I observed was:

Every review mentions how easy it is to use for those new to the game.

Three of the reviews focus on how illustrations and examples relate to actual situations.

Each review gives the nod to the richness of the work and the depth of the ideas contained that are contained within it.

On this basis it's possible that the readership for the same book is looking for something that's accessible to new readers and relates ideas to actual instances, and has a lot of detail.

Let's see if that is able to stand up when I try out another book in the same style with comparable amount of reviews, The Design of Everyday Things The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Version .

From these reviews, we could be able to observe:

The majority of customers are unhappy with this book's layout and organization. Many users have criticized its ineffective (if it is ironically) designs, which may indicate problems with organizational especially for those who are new to the field.

Whereas the first book's reviews focused on the author's use of insights and real-life examples, readers were not as enthusiastic about the same thing in this edition.

The lack of attention to specifics ruined the credibility of the author in the eyes of customers.

The third point is particularly fascinating because it provides us with an an opportunity to dive into the depths of our research -- provided that it aligns with the goal that we've set -- and to compare different items. What made one book stand out and the other didn't?

In addition what can we do to make sure our products land on the right side of that range?

In this moment, we aren't in a position to begin generating materials since all of our data is just a bit of interpretation, but we've got a clear concept of what to keep an eye at when making our materials and a great supplement for when we do find quantitative evidence.

That's, in turn that's what we'll do next.

They help you connect to people and understand your potential customers by analyzing the number of searches as well as the click-through rate (CTR) that are behind the keyword.

They've helpfully made a visual that displays how they rank against similar SEO tools , and while anyone is considered a pinch of salt, I've confirmed my experience with each of the tools listed and their scores.

So, why do you think keyword research is a great method to gain customer insight?

Since volume indicates how many people are interested in it And phrasing will reveal what people are looking for in different phases of the buyer's journey, their most frequently asked questions ask about the topic, and the kind of content that is popular with them.

In the meantime, however there are two points that you should be aware of when conducting keywords research:

Volume isn't an accurate measure for SEO in the real sense, however, it can be useful for customer data as it shows how users search to find what they're looking for.

Keywords are then searched for and filter according to the perceived purpose of the person searching. The Rankbrain , the AI behind determining intent, is actually very good at it -- better than humans which is why you should trust its recommendations.

The Rankbrain website is an excellent source of data because it analyzes keywords in the exact as we measure reviews: based on the levels of satisfaction with the users .

So marrying its suggestions and the information we gleaned from product reviews provides the most effective of bothorganic and non-organicmind.

The combination of your qualitative knowledge using Rankbrain's quantifiable insights isn't just a straightforward way to work, by this, it's an effective form of marketing that relies on data.

One that achieves two of the main goals -- giving you the capability to make better decisions based on data and enriching the accuracy of data that professional marketers need.

No matter what instrument you employ, however the most important thing is to search for patterns in the data and derive insights by analyzing the information that you have gathered in the previous stage.

For example, users are consistently searching for no-cost solutions to the problems you're trying to solve and complained about price in the review of the product, this niche might not be profitable enough for you, or you might have to face more objections to get customers to buy.

Conversely, if they're regularly looking for simple solutions and praised competitor products for their convenience there's an opportunity to provide the same solution for a cost that includes a well-designed solution that is able to meet their requirements.

There's just one method to ensure that your marriage of quantitative and qualitative data are a match created in heaven after having made them work by following this one last suggestion.

#4. Use surveys and real conversations to finish it off

The entire process up to this point has been about constructing and proving the assumptions we've made.

This last step However, it's about breaking them and challenging them.

In simple terms, if are looking to deepen the research of your target audience -- and you should -- there's no substitute for having real-time conversations and interaction with people.

Surveys are a great way to help take a bit of burden by gathering the data in one place to make it easier for you. They are also one of the easier and higher-value means to have these interactions.

Tech companies are more aware than other companies. Based on Research Now, now Dynata  has 76% of technology companies claim that the insights they gained from studies were very or extremely valuable to their projects.

They're also great for customer research before product development, by the way.

The use of surveys and polls is recommended by industry experts to keep customers satisfaction high following the launch of your website, too.

It shows that you are concerned.

They offer insights which no other kind of research can.

Just asking for feedback can make customers more likely to remain faithful to your brand.

Another important positives from using surveys to conduct market research include the capability to gauge consumer opinion and lead-generating research, and determine the demand to your goods.

Just make sure that your survey is short and to the point. It is a good idea to make the survey you conduct of market research ought to last less than 15 minutes  The shorter the survey the more likely to get people to complete your survey.

If you would like to push your research to a higher level and get higher completion rates, don't send a survey over email.

Participate in person or over an online meeting. The average response rate for surveys conducted in person nearly double the average response rate for online and email surveys.

This is advantageous for several reasons, but perhaps the most crucial is by asking over webcam or face-to-face in person, you'll be able pick up on cues you'd otherwise miss in a static online survey.

It is true that just 7% of communication can be dictated through exact words that are spoken. The remaining 93% comes via nonverbal cues such as gestures of the face, body language and voice tone.

Plus, by having an individual face-to-face with you, you'll have the chance to delve deep into their issues and emotions than an response box could allow.

In addition, the more in-depth you get, the closer you'll be in understanding your clients as individuals. This, if you'll recall -- is no less than what the modern customer expects.

Do your research and meet with them.

There's only one solution to meet their- and your business -- needs.

It's a long road, however it's an enjoyable one.

Knowing your customer is essential to creating a business that outshines competitors and provides better experience for customers.

But while it's not an easy process it's not difficult also.

The steps are pretty simple in reality:

Set out your goals by deciphering them and documenting them. This process is important higher than most people give it credit for.

Look at product reviews from competitors to identify patterns and opinions about your potential customers.

Turn to the research on keywords to find out what keywords people search for in your field and how they look for it.

Then, use surveys to discover why they look for those similar things. The more specific information received from your customers the more accurate.

It's even better if you top it all off with real conversation. There will be more insight as well as higher responses rates as well as a greater chance of understanding your customer.

It sounds easy, doesn't it?

That's because it is so, making it a wonder why more companies don't make use of customer research.

Then, the losing is also your chance.

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