Five small-business marketing mistakes (and how to avoid them)

Nov 15, 2023

Are you fed up with taking on all of the tasks but not seeing any results? Here is how you can beat the most frequent small-scale business marketing blunders.

As a small business there are many things to handle and a limited amount of sources.

It's very easy to take on overly quickly, in too many directions and in as many directions as possible as you wish that everything will go well.

It's not just inefficient, but it's also exhausting.

What if there was ways to view the forest for the trees and pinpoint your priorities? What if you could be more efficient instead of working more?

This article outlines the most frequent mistakes made by smaller companies and the things you can do instead to go from flustered to fabulous.

The #1 mistake is that you don't have a game plan

Look, you know what I'm about to tell you You need to have to have a plan for marketing.

Marketing plans can be overwhelming, but it's the last thing you feel to do.

In reality, not having a marketing plan can make your hours of performing juggling tasks more challenging and not more effective.

If you have a strategy for marketing, you can focus on the essential tasks making more time available for other things.

Aren't you happier spending your free time doing something enjoyable instead of descending an online rabbit hole for new marketing strategies?

Marketers with a plan have 313 percentage more likely to see successful results over those without. Yet a third surveyed still didn't have one set up.

You're already ahead of most businesses because you're aware of the need for an action plan and are in the process of creating one. Here's how to create an easy marketing plan.

What is the best way to develop a marketing strategy

Your marketing strategy should be able to support rather than disrupt your work.

In other words, it must be:

Short and clear. An entire 50 pages of paperwork isn't likely to help you.

Realistic. Time, money and even your friends (yes no matter the ones you're only with) are finite resources. An effective plan will take into consideration those three elements.

Repeatable. You should spell things out clearly in your strategy so that everyone, even you, can see the way each step will be carried out. In future months, you can repeat it or alter it. But, the most important thing is to track the success of your plan.

There's a couple of easy ways to get started.

First, you can use the HubSpot marketing plans generator  that is goal- and metric-focused.

The second option is to follow the steps that is Brittany Berger 's step-by-step guide to effective planning .

Here's the procedure:

Determine your containers What's the capacity of your containers for this year?

Determine your commitments currently in place.

Determine how these two are interconnected, keeping in mind that we often underestimate the length of time it takes to complete a task.

Reduce your project into smaller tasks.

(You may learn more about Berger's thinking process on her site.)

If you're feeling enthusiastic Why not make an action plan right today? Start a spreadsheet and respond to these questions:

What are your goals for this year?

What are your sources this year?

What are you hoping to achieve this year?

What are the best way to achieve that, and when? (Having an outline of the timeline will help.)

This being said, be sure to pay attention. Although you'll need a strategy, no plan is enough in the event that you're making the typical marketing error.

The second mistake is spreading yourself too thin

It's not sustainable for a one-person band.

Another option is to focus on a few online marketing channels, and do them well.

You may already be aware of which platform(s) to concentrate on. Maybe one social media platform such as LinkedIn frequently brings prospects or offers higher engagement levels than others.

If you're feeling a bit tense, we recommend concentrating on Facebook and YouTube. Here's why.

The case is Facebook as well as YouTube

Despite the growth of more sexier platforms such as TikTok and ClubHouse , Facebook as well as YouTube are still the most popular social media networks .

The strategy she has employed has been successful for her. She's been able to reach 35 million people over the last three years. This was achieved by being regular and putting out engaging content, including regularly scheduled giveaways.

This advice is easy to follow and recommends that you select the right platform for the audience you are targeting: "This will be so much more beneficial to you rather than burning out trying to control seven platforms while trying to follow the crowd."

Maybe you, or the majority of your followers are more inclined to use YouTube. Although it may sound daunting, it's much easier to master as it appears.

According to what French educator Antony Thirion discovered that you don't have to be an influencer who has a massive following this to be effective.

His channel is dedicated to aiding medical students in the first year of their academic studies. Each day, he uploads videos that are then pushed over to his course . This way, he now has over 3000 students registered.

The schedule is exhausting that he can manage by dedicating a day per week to editing and recording his videos. If he were spread on other platforms, he wouldn't have such an effective sales funnel for his enterprise.

Whatever platform you choose The advice is simple:

Concentrate on one area before spreading out to others.

Make sure you keep posting regularly.

Create value through your content and share pertinent data.

You should set a goal and what results are you hoping to achieve from your activity?

Finally, instead of focusing so much on social media marketing it is possible to put all your time and energy into email marketing.

Marketing via email is a viable option

If you've been slumbering on marketing via email, this is an ideal time to start getting up.

Why? For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you'll earn a profit of $48 . Another benefit is that it doesn't require you to your faith in the randomness of algorithms, or pay the steep cost of advertising on social media.

Lead magnets are a great freebie you can give to your customers in exchange for them signing on to your list of email subscribers. Watch our video to learn more about the process.

But just because Facebook, YouTube, and email marketing are all fantastic choices for small companies, doesn't mean they're perfect for your needs. In the end, you'll want to be where you're most likely to find your target audience, and it's a lot smaller area than you might believe.

3. Mistake: Trying to make everyone buy your product

If asked who your prospective client is, it may be tempting to answer "everyone".

If you don't want to sell to everyone there is a danger of selling to just anyone. Connecting with people about a product or service is difficult when the information is too general and vague.

People don't mind having personalized advertising campaigns. Relevant marketing communications have the greatest open rate .

For a small-sized business, getting noticed by customers as well as search engines can be a challenge. You should target specific customers because it's not Coca-Cola.

It might feel counterintuitive, but being extremely precise about your demographic is incredibly powerful and helps you transform the way you communicate.

As an example, the Middle Sister Wines company has found success by targeting (literally) middle sisters.

As well as winning numerous wine awards Along with winning many wine awards, the Facebook page has more than 100,000 users active.

It appears that everyone is a middle sister and/or has a middle-sister or is a friend of one. Although it appears to be an extremely narrow target audience, it's still broad enough to allow for audience appeal.

If you are able to find niches in your advertising, your efforts are rewarded. However, it will be in vain if you then spend beyond your means, which is the next mistake to avoid.

Fourth error: spending too much money

I'm betting that "budgeting" isn't one of your favorite words.

61 percent of small-sized businesses don't have a budget -- so there's no reason to feel alone. Budgeting should not slow you down. It should instead assist you in identifying potential possibilities.

With marketing budgets, it's difficult to decide what to do first. As your business expands as do your requirements and the online landscape.

With the proliferation of digital marketing applications that it's all too easy to keep subscribing to the latest apps. Although they are individually inexpensive, they all add to.

For example, she'd spend:

$120.00 per year for Google Drive storage for her videos

$720.00 a year on administration fees to manage her participation

$360.00 a year in hosting platforms to host her classes and digital downloads

All of this amounts to around one-time sum of $1200.

Here's what you can learn from Becky's example:

Make a list of what you're spending on: applications or memberships, software etc.

Sort them into different categories. Examples include "content marketing" or "SEO".

Go through each category and conduct some internet research: can you find ways to save time and money by completing multiple tasks at once?

While researching apps, search for those that "play well with others". Also, look out"integration. "integration" area to determine whether your apps are included the integration feature. This can also be an excellent place to learn about the latest applications.


Create a free account

Join 150,000+ creators that use their talents to design websites, sell digital items, and build communities online.            Start free to get started    

A great side effect in reducing the number of tools you use is they also take up less real estate in your brain.

The more space you clear for sale, the better because you're going to need that space to avoid the last marketing blunder.

Mistake #5: Forgetting about your existing customers

Running a small business can feel similar to being an ox on a bicycle. Your mind is so focused on the task ahead of you that you forget to look back.

Yet, your current customers can be the biggest potential of all.

Customers who are loyal and satisfied are five times more likely to buy from you in the future and four times as likely to act as referrals.

Some ideas to keep your customers enthusiastic about your business:

Offer them benefits such as gifts, discounts, and

in order to increase their loyalty.

Include them in the business's trajectory by listening to them and then incorporating their comments.

As an example, Ashleigh Renard has designed her strategy for marketing by helping authors. She does this via Instagram reels, newsletters and free training sessions.

She has also found the perfect way to get people to place pre-orders of her autobiography Swing by providing an audiobook for free to everyone who makes the request. You can see how she has framed her request in her newsletter.

First, she shares her pre-order insights and tips on how to make an appearance on the New York Times bestseller list -- all highly valuable for her readers. She then ends with an easy call to action.

What Ashleigh's marketing campaign is this: it is important to focus on quality first, and promotion last. Customers won't pay attention to promotions if they don't care about it.

It also shows that staying in touch with your customers continuous loop will pay off. If they're engaged and are able to follow the process and are engaged, they'll feel more of a sense of connection with what you're doing (and they'll be less likely to cancel their subscription).

So let your audience into your world. And if you're lucky, they'll invite your audience into theirs as well.

Pause and take a moment to consider the larger picture

Every one of the mistakes that are discussed in this post have the same thing: you can avoid them. Just take a break once in a while and evaluate the situation.

It's not difficult to invest time and energy into an activity because "everyone is doing it" or "what you're supposed to be doing". But when time is precious this isn't the right way to go.

To save up your energy and make the most effective business decisions, make sure to:

Create a practical and clear marketing strategy that focuses on the most important activities.

Concentrate on the social media platforms that love your profile. There's no need to have everything on at once.

Sell to a specific group instead of trying to appeal to all.

Reduce your spending by cutting down on the amount of equipment that you employ.

Prioritize your existing customers. They're as important, if not more important as leads.

The effort is worth the reward, you'll create a marketing strategy as unique and distinctive as your business is. We can't be patient to see how you implement it.