Five Reasons Why Every Blogger Should think about launching a member site

Sep 15, 2022

   Reader Disclosure

The majority of blogs are simply an expression of passion. Blogs are places where anybody can get heard and voice their thoughts on food, health, technology, recipes as well as fashion, finance, music or anything else that they're interested in. But, they must be something that's a passion because they don't bring in the biggest amount of cash.

If you're a blogger, you're aware of the fact that, as enthusiastic as you may be about your subject and people who read your blog, it may appear hard (or in some cases, impossible) to invest in your blog when you're not generating income from the website.

There are five excellent motives to integrate a member in your blog:

  1. If they are done properly when done right, membership sites could generate higher revenue than ads. Advertising doesn't make much money when you don't have a huge amount of traffic (it's an unsavory secret to monetizing your website on the internet). If you're looking to make significant revenue from advertisements on your blog, you have use highly relevant advertisements and also get a lot of traffic consistently washing over your website. However, a subscription (even with a low cost) can generate a huge amount of immediate and long-term income, particularly if you can convince all of your existing users to sign up.
  2. It's easier than you think to make premium content to your site's membership.
       Perhaps you're not aware that you've created a wonderful "product" that you can sell in the form of membership. There are many that take content they already have on their blog and refactor them into quality articles. Although we don't recommend removal of the articles you have posted on your blog for free, as it could result in dire consequences to your Google ranking -- we recommend that you advise you to combine the content, add more detail, and integrate existing content in order to create new premium content.
  3. The section for members only will increase the value of your site's content.
       Some bloggers do not offer high-quality content. Your content's quality will make the difference. The old saying "That can be obtained by a method that is cheap, and we use it to a lesser degree," is very real. When people know that you are charging for certain aspects or all of your content, this boosts the value of ALL your content and your reputation.
  4. Membership helps you improve your connections and expand your circle.
       If you can get people to stand up and choose to be a participant in your blog (rather just lurking) It will bring more commitment and followers that are more likely to share the blog's news with others.

Endless love for your blog, its topics and readers are excellent reasons to be dedicated to creating amazing articles... but money's as well. And it doesn't hurt that it pays the bills.

Photo Credit: Alejandro Escamilla

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