Five online communities may offer ideas

Jan 6, 2023

If you've ever thought of creating an online community, it's not bound to become the only member. Studies have revealed that 60% of companies operate communities on the internet that have logos, and 15% planned to establish one in the next twelve months. From small masterminds to massive community that has hundreds of members, all at absolutely no cost, up to several hundred thousand dollars. Communities that are managed via the internet are endless.

Learn how leaders of the community in other communities are doing very well within their community. Learn some great tips to apply to your community!

Conscious Collective

228 members

3 Access Groups

Hero for seven years

Your community's purpose is to be identified in terms of what drives individuals to become part of it.

My group is known as Conscious Collective. It's designed for people who want to learn more about their capabilities and abilities. We realize that all of us are linked and one part of the whole . We are able to apply these principles into our world of spirituality. Members have the opportunity to study and overcame obstacles with mindfulness, meditation as well as personal development. The emphasis is on the creation of a place to grow spiritually that is accessible as also enjoyable and simple to get access. The new Challenge System Live Room, Live Room and Leaderboard feature.


What's the structure and structure of your company?

Two main circles exist inside Conscious Collective for now. There are two circles within Conscious Collective at the moment. Conscious Collective has more circles that will be added in the course of time. The majority of discussions are held in "The Forum". The Forum is used for general discussion on all subjects, stimulating discussions , and sharing. It is also available for meetings in live-streaming mode. Forum members can also participate in its private "Spirit Market" forum . It is the perfect opportunity for anyone seeking to display and offer, buy and trade objects of the metaphysical as well as other accessories. Daily challenges, including group meditation as well as numerous other classes are located within The Forum / Live Room (which can be more efficient than Zoom and Zoom to experience real-time reality!). The Forum is now offering virtual coworking along with evenings of art and oracle nights throughout the month of April.

I'm using most modern technology in order to oversee my employees according to the best standards and making sure that my mentoring employees are part of this VIP Group.

Recent Community victories

The community has embraced the forums. Many members are requesting to host events such as the art exhibition, oracle night, and various other occasions. they want to be involved in or organize occasions.

Great advice for anyone else Heroes

The Leaderboard is an absolute joy! Each month we offer the chance to win a prize. The prize this month consisted of a box Onyx Coffee, which is one of the best roasters in the US. It's not a huge or affordable price, however it's added a bit of enjoyment to the contest and it's a great way to interact with your clients.


Stylist Soul Tribe

228 members

3 Access Groups

Hero for seven years

The goal of your community is to provide a reason as for why people meet.

Stylist Soul Tribe is a type of mastermind group which makes up a part of the beauty industry. It is composed of 20 tribes made up of salon owners, stylists educators stylists, instructors, and also extraordinary entrepreneurs that have the ability to develop innovative ideas. Every month, we gather together to discuss about our goals that we've set and to discuss the significance of responsibility. We form bonds and help the members during difficult moments. Our family is different from other families, and we have the many bonds that are created.


What is the character the members of your team?

Modern technology has taken our mastermind group reach an entirely new level. We now have the ability to exaggerate each other during contests as well as to review our successes and build strong relationships. There is the possibility of holding conversations in real-time in addition to teaching. This is an ideal option to ensure that our team remains active.


In recent times, the role of community involvement is being recognized as a key element to the growth of the country.

One of the most significant accomplishments during the period that we were a part of Stylist Soul Tribe this year was that there were 100 members within our group of masterminds. We're excited to start our new venture January 1st . We're thrilled to broaden the scope of our business! We're excited to expand the scale of our operation! Stylist Soul Tribe will be organizing an event about vision casting. It will take place soon in which we'll be discussing the meaning of vision as well as what that signifies to you. and the actions you need to follow to be successful.

Excellent advice to others who are Heroes.

One suggestion I'd offer to you is to create the room for people to explore the boundaries of their thinking. Some of the most amazing ideas and innovations that were created by geniuses in the past were inspired by the culture they lived who were. The result is directly related to our allowing the process to take place. It has allowed me to establish a place that is comfortable for me in order to be able to express myself with the best manner to the people around me.

Kathy Keats Community

There are 124 of them

1. Access Group

Hero for 7 years

The purpose of your community is to act as an incentive to people come together.

The Kathy Keats Community is an amazing community of members who are aware of how to reap the maximum benefits that dogs get from playing sports (or whatever else) does not only involve learning skills but developing as a whole. The animals aren't fooled. Mirrors are amazing. They can help us to be humble and assist us in recognizing the weaknesses in us and encourage us to be more efficient ... within their lives , as well as for the other humans we share our lives with.

How organized is your community?

The process is just getting started in figuring out what is the ideal solution for me and my team. Presently, I'm using (or I'm planning to implement) the software using three distinct methods. First, I'm integrating the software to my online courses. Another possibility is setting up an accountability business with benefits that come from members-only membership. Another possibility is to utilize this chance to interact with my students and encourage them to join my circle of friendship. Live stream all of my classes as well as my Live Room feature, as well as the Challenges feature to keep my students engaged and interested on their studies. Also, I write often for my blog listeners. In the near future we'll launch discussions in this category, which will allow readers to select topics that are free and guest speakers who can create a fun podcast.


An excellent tip for everyone else Heroes

If you're using community to teach online classes, you might have the ability to incorporate it prior to the date that the class will begin. It is also recommended for students to be a part of the class by engaging them in an event that is live, such as competitions, leaderboard-based scavenger hunts because they are a great way to learn. After the activity is complete, allow your class to give directions. This could ease your burden and help you connect the lessons to specific areas in the classroom.

Recent Community awards

The class has proved as a major accomplishment because I am capable of stating that the vast majority of my students do not have the required technical abilities. They are able to participate in discussions that are interactive and ask questions thanks to the user-friendly interface. The experience was more like a face-to face meeting in a virtual meeting than I've previously experienced with other conferencing software as the technology wasn't blocking the procedure.

Level Up Level of the Club

The 63-member

2 Access Groups

Hero for six years

We'd love to find out details about the communities that you are part of and your reasons to include people in your group.

The group I am part of, called the Level Up Club is made up of individuals who are imaginative inventive, imaginative and creative. They're innovators. We help connect people seeking to take their careers up to the next stage. Enhance their skills and create an impact on the world.

What's the organizational structure for your business?

Two groups are offered "The The Community" and "The The Community" Members can join without cost. The alternative one is "The Golden Circle Mastermind" the mastermind of mine of which I am the chief of. Five circles comprise my mastermind. One circle is for general discussions, Bookish is dedicated to discussions about podcasting as well as specific books that satisfy the standards for podcasters. Additionally, NLP and Hypnosis are available to anyone who is interested in giving a talk on the subject, as well as the mastermind that I manage. This challenge has been a lot of enjoyable and we all enjoy being part of it. The challenges are about meeting new people and discussing exploring the subject of health and mindfulness. These are great occasions for welcoming new members into the mindfulness community through posting the event on social media sites.


An excellent tip for anyone else. The Heroes of their own Heroes.

Enjoy it! Be engaged with your friends.


Recent Community triumphs

My group is now inviting members to join because they're enjoying themselves.

The primary aspect online communities possess is that they are the main element.

Community-based communities' advantages along with other services online are obvious. Community members have the chance to express their views and search for answers. In addition, they have the an opportunity to connect with other members who share the same passions.

The advantages of the existence of an active online presence are huge. With your community it is likely to be able to understand the needs of your customers immediately as well as being able to swiftly change your offerings and products to satisfy their requirements. 75 percent of people of the internet are members of an online social media site and do you possess the capability to provide your customers with the opportunity to interact with their customers authentically?

Find communities to join and register to receive a free trial period of 14 days! Design your community to be yours first, then explore other options we have available for you, such as the online learning course, together with an online presence and funnel builders.

The software is offered to all users with a trial period of 14 day free trial.

Everything you might require. Everything you'll need in one only place. Yes! Let's go!

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