Email notifications - CreativeMindClass

Mar 27, 2024


E-mail messages

Course creators and students receive the CreativeMindClass's automatic email alerts on registrations or purchases as well as other details related to purchase.

Skipp Ahead

1. Notifications for email subscribers to the Learner

1. Welcome email

2. Email confirmation after purchase

2. Notifications via email for the course creators

Notifications via email for learners

Learners will be sent the following email messages:

  1. Email to welcome the student If your student has been enrolled in your class
  2. Confirmation emails after the purchase after the student has been in a position to make a payment for the course.

Welcome email

CreativeMindClass provides your learners who are brand new to the system a welcome email, which offers the possibility of verifying their your email address.

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 Confirmation email sent after a purchase

CreativeMindClass will send your student a confirmation email that contains purchase information along with a hyperlink for your class.

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2. Notifications to course creator via an email

The email you receive from us will be in relation to:

  • New sign-ups are when the new student enrolls in your class.

A purchase made by a new customer is the time when the student purchases of the product you offer

Additional resources to help you with your education CreativeMindClass

When you've grasped the basic concepts After that, you'll be able to expand these, and you can rest assured that CreativeMindClass will follow suit. CreativeMindClass team will follow similar steps. There's an array of materials accessible to begin with, so everyone can determine the things they'd like to learn about.


Do you want to see the example of a course on the web created using CreativeMindClass?


Need more suggestions for using CreativeMindClass at its maximum?


The article was posted by CreativeMindClass at CreativeMindClass

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