Electronic notifications CreativeMindClass
Email notifications
Course creators as well as learners receive CreativeMindClass's automated email notifications regarding sign-ups and purchase.
SKIPP Ahead To
1. Email notifications for learners
1. Welcome email
2. A confirmation email will be sent after you have purchased
2. Course creator email notifications
Learner email notifications
Your learner will receive the following emails:
- Welcome email: the moment a new student enrolls in your class
- Confirmation email after the purchase When a student is able to pay for your course
Welcome email
CreativeMindClass will email your new student an welcome email, which includes a button to confirm the email address.
Confirmation email following a purchase
CreativeMindClass will email your student an email confirmation with payment details as well as the link to your class.
2. Notifications to the course creator via email
The email you receive will be about:
- Sign-up for a new class: When a student signs up to your class
New purchase the moment a student buys your course
Additional resources to assist you in learning CreativeMindClass
After you have mastered the basics, you can keep building on them, and the CreativeMindClass team will follow suit too. We have all different kinds of getting started resources so anyone can learn how they like.
Are you interested in viewing some online course platform examples created using CreativeMindClass?
Are you looking for more ways to using CreativeMindClass to the maximum?
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