Earn more passive income through the process of turning Videos into Courses --

Nov 25, 2022

Video has become the primary mode of education online, and for the right reason. Course creators can use videos since they let you speak directly to students using a more informal approach. Lessons that are video-based for learners offer an auditory and visual style of learning that could enhance their participation.

You are already making use of videos to attract learners on your personal YouTube and Vimeo channel. So, why not make use of your video content as an online class which will boost your passive income you earn?

If, for instance, you're already using Vimeo to host videos, you'll have the possibility to make money from the videos you upload as an online education course.

Create an online course for free by uploading your old videos to Vimeo and utilize the videos to market your program. Creating a free course from the content you already have increases your trust and allows you to advertise your courses or products to the viewers of your content.

Before we show you how you can make use of Vimeo for creating courses, let's examine how Vimeo differs from YouTube.

Vimeo and YouTube?

YouTube offers a wide range of benefits. It's free to get started, and it's already the second (or the third) most well-known search engine available on the Internet. YouTube can be a fantastic way to get videos out in a short time, using a straightforward uploading procedure.

While YouTube allows your content to an enormous audience, this might not be suitable for your needs when you're looking to protect the educational content you offer. If you're selling the content for sale, and you wish be able to restrict access only for your students who have access to the videos. If the video is freely available and are accessible through YouTube, then anyone who is able to access the video is able to do so as well as share it with others.

Vimeo provides advanced privacy settings which allows you to lock your videos to ensure that only students are granted access to your video. Vimeo provides videos without ads in either the middle or post-rolls. Additionally, as opposed to YouTube, Vimeo has 24/7 support to help you troubleshoot or assist in navigating their platform.

Vimeo has a free alternative for users, however for artists they won't benefit from the free tier. There are restrictions on uploading and storage features and you'll be unable to access some of the options available in the paid-tiers. There's a popular $35/month option that unlocks powerful tools for creating and other options, like customized branding of videos.

In this regard, let's demonstrate how you can take an Vimeo display and transform it into a class.

Turn Your Vimeo Showcase into a Course

The Wizard was designed to save your time when embedding video into the online course. It also allows your focus to be on selling and marketing your online course. Here's how to begin:

  • Create the showcase in Vimeo. You can do this by pressing on the "plus" button right next to showcases on the left-hand panel. This will bring you to a page where you'll be able to input the title and description of the showcase along with the amount of security.
  • Include your YouTube videos. Make sure to place the videos in a proper order as this will be the sequence of lessons you will be teaching in . It is possible to change the order in the screen before you transfer the videos.
  • Link the playlist into your Vimeo account and head over onto your Courses tab . After that, click the "create by video playlist" option in the upper left corner, then copy and paste into your Vimeo display and then click load.
  • When you've finished after that, you'll see choices on how to set up accessibility to the course, as well as course progression. Select your preference and then take an overview of the brand fresh course you've created with Vimeo!

Do you want to see the process in action? This video walkthrough will show you how to transform your Vimeo video into a course:

Are you ready to give it a go? Take a look at the Vimeo demonstration to create an entire course example and see a brand totally new course develop in minutes.

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