Earn more passive income through the creation of courses using videos. Discover More

Nov 25, 2022

Videos are an important tool for training online and for online teaching as well, with the proper reason. Course creators can use videos because they let you speak directly to students in a casual manner. For learners, video lessons can provide both a visual and the auditory method of learning, which can increase participation.

It is likely that you are already engaging learners with videos through your personal YouTube or Vimeo channel. So, why not put your videos into a paid-for course to earn more money from passive sources?

For instance, if you're already using Vimeo for hosting your video content, then you can benefit from another chance to make money from your videos through the creation of an online course.

Also, you can make an online course no cost using the videos that you have uploaded on Vimeo and use the videos to promote your course. Making a no-cost course using the material that you have already created helps to build the credibility of your course and also makes it easy to advertise future courses or products to your customers.

Before we discuss how you can make use of Vimeo for creating course, let's examine how Vimeo differs from YouTube.

Vimeo and YouTube?

YouTube is an extremely popular option for people who use it. It's free to get started, and it's already the second (or third) most popular third largest search engine on the Internet. YouTube is a great alternative to upload your videos quickly by using an easy uploading procedure.

While YouTube lets you share your videos with an enormous audience, this may not be the ideal solution if you're seeking to secure your content for your students. If you're offering content that is purchased, and you want to restrict access to only your students, they can't access the videos. If they're public and free on YouTube everyone who has an YouTube account has the ability to access and share the content with other YouTube users.

Vimeo provides advanced privacy settings that allow you to lock your video content so that only your students are granted access to the videos. Vimeo also presents videos without advertisements in the middle or post-rolls. In contrast to YouTube, Vimeo has 24/7 help to solve your problems or guide you through the platform.

Vimeo does have a free alternative, but for creators, you're not going be able to get from the free tier. There are some limitations to the uploading options and storage, but it's not going to give you all the additional features of the premium tier. It's also a very popular monthly subscription of $35 that grants you the power of powerful tools to create and other features, such as custom branding on videos.

Let's show you how to take the Vimeo display and transform the display into a class.

Turn Your Vimeo Showcase into a Course

The Wizard is designed to spare your time when embedding video into your new online course, while allowing you to focus on selling and marketing your course instead. The following is the way to start:

  • It is possible to create the showcase with Vimeo. It's as easy as pressing the "plus" button located next to showcases on the lower left of the panel. You'll be taken to a website which you are able to enter the name, description, and title of the display, and privacy level.
  • Upload your videos. It is important to place them properly, as that will form the sequence of the class . It's possible to change the lesson's order into your Vimeo video before uploading.
  • The playlist's link is copied directly from your Vimeo account. After that, go to the courses tab . After that, click the "create with the playlist of videos" option at the top right and paste in your Vimeo showcase and press to open.
  • You'll then be presented with options on the options for accessing the course as well as its progression. Pick your setting and then get an overview of your brand newly created course made with Vimeo!

Are you interested in seeing it live? This video demonstrates how you can change the Vimeo presentation into a classroom:

Are you ready to give it a go? You can try an Vimeo demonstration to construct an whole course demonstration as well as witnessing a entirely new class take place in a matter of seconds.

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