Do you feel ready to get a kick this week?

Dec 8, 2022

Hello, Carina here from . I have a close friend who constantly says how lonely the journey of an entrepreneur is. She constantly wonders whether she is providing enough value for her customers and constantly analyzes whether her company will ever move ahead. Yes, there are days which feel like they're progressing, but most days don't.

I was thinking that you could be like me, and I'm going to try and be a support system for you in this newsletter. The worst thing about being stuck is that it can be very frustrating. Therefore, let's go back on track to making a difference in the world, one individual at an time. Because that's exactly the thing you're doing. Remember that!

  Start Creating with a Step-By-Step Roadmap  

You're lost. There are so many things to get done you have no idea where to start. You can't seem to focus and don't know how you'll begin or finishyour journey. Perhaps you're experiencing anxiety and you're like quitting it all-in-all. Perhaps you're thinking of moving to another end of the planet to begin afresh.

Before you make any rash decision, I'd like give you a test to remove the blocks: The Six Stages to Growing a Million Dollar Course. Discover the specific stage you're struggling with to find your way back to focus to reach the course to the finish line! Your plane can wait


  Tips to Grow an online Community  

You're all about creating change in the world and encouraging people to become the best self-improvement possible. Think of the communities which you're a member of and how transformative the experience was for you. You feel secure sharing your voice and passion and having a space to feel a part of, connect with and share your experiences? It's invaluable. This is how you harness that energy and help your followers feel included! Discover how you can become the most powerful community-building expert with these suggestions.


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  Your First $100K  

Finding clients and increasing sales...YOU.ARE.TIRED. The journey of an entrepreneur is not as straightforward as everyone makes it out to be. Your work is yours, however you aren't able to be everyone at the same time. Therefore, give your self a pat on your back and stop being so self-critical... you're doing a great job! You've probably wished somebody could tell you what to do next and guide you to reach those business goals fast (because who has time for research? It's hard to find time for lunch!) Then your prayers will be granted, as I was able to provide a step-by-step guide which might help relax your mind.