Discovering My Way A Conversation With Norbert Who is person that owns One boomerangs. Boomerangs (r) (r)

Apr 1, 2023
Life at

There are a variety options we have throughout our lives, making it extremely difficult to choose which is most effective from the start.

The discussion Norbert Szabo, who is the Technical Director for the company, shared with us the process he went through in order to discover the core of his goals to attain in his professional life. Interviewer discussed the confusing road that took him away from the path, before returning.

Based on his personal experience, Norbert has gained invaluable knowledge of his needs and wants. Norbert is sure to aid you in thinking through exactly the questions that the man himself asked: "What makes me happy? "

What is Norbert Szabo?

"My name is Norbert Everybody else has Norby as an initial. Norby."

Beware of my picture in my personal profile. The real me is my pet lover."

Norbert Szabó
Norbert Szabo

Norbert Szabo, Technical Lead of the firm was born in Kazincbarcika the city situated in the Hungarian countryside, but he's been living in Budapest since 2013.

The path to professional success began with the Hungarian chemical business, and He was an engineer. They employed him for the duration of four years. He then moved to Budapest to be near to his relatives and friends.

In the year 2020, Norbert started looking for the new opportunity in an entrepreneurial-owned business because he wanted to face the challenges which only an environment which is constantly changing can provide. Norbert was looking to become more flexible and adaptable.

When Norbert Met

He was looking through Stack Overflow that I came upon advertisements for a technology company in Hungary which he hadn't known about prior to this. There was a feeling that something clicked within him and he drafted a quick resume, and uploaded it to.

Prior to even knowing it the discussion had already started between Kristof Dombi director of Development Operations, Daniel Pataki CTO, and Andras Gerencser, who was the director of Development.

Within a couple of days of the conversation Andras phoned Norbert and told him she was very attracted to his profile. It was a meeting!

Norbert was extremely impressed with his positive and enthusiastic attitude which began by the Tech team, but concluding with the individual whom met with Zsofia Hidas. "I talked to Zsofia for around a moment, and then I was impressed!"

The technical aspects of working are important to me. However, it was the culture of the workplace that enticed me into signing in. Truthfully, I knew what was in my gut. They are all wonderful! It's definitely not your typical firm!"

In the weeks following starting his internship Norbert was approached via Slack to inquire whether he was interested in leading the team on the APM. APM project. Norbert was a manager new to the job with no previous experience, but his extraordinary abilities in the area of soft enable his talents to be acknowledged.

Within a couple of months Norbert was asked to join an inside meeting in order to discuss an chance. He was later offered the post of Head of Developer Experience position. Since then, Norbert had been in the company for just an year. This was an massive change.

A New Meaningful Chapter

Norbert was delighted to sport the new style and demonstrate his capabilities as a manager. Norbert was thrilled when he was awarded the coveted title director of Developer Experience which he decided to take the job. In his first role director of Developer Experience the department was overseen by thirty developers. The primary goal was to hire 40 more developers in a single quarter. It was an extremely difficult endeavor however Norbert was able to complete the job.

It's not to say that this wasn't his dream job.

With time, Norbert noticed he found the time spent writing code was getting shorter and this job provided him with endless hours of enjoyment. Never before did he believe that it was essential to Norbert to be a part of projects.

He was a lover ofpeople However, controlling people was not his forte.

"Management isn't for everybody" that's fine. In the moment, I tried to determine what I could do to improve my situation due to being of the opinion that someone who is skilled should be able to guide individuals. But a part of me was wanting to take a look at my own capabilities," Norbert says.

"What can I do to make me feel better?" The question was repeated for an extended period of time.

Norbert took a break from his job, but the engineer returned as a full-time engineer for the firm of consulting.

In the span of just one year, he was content with the decision he made to stay clear of management positions rather, to stay outside of the crowd and develop into a tech specialist. He felt grounded.

It appeared to me there was something untrue. Norbert appeared nostalgic for his old teammates and was contemplating whether he would go back to . There was an emotion of leaving a setting which was distinctive and could not be replicated in other places.

And then Andras could get close to him. "Do you feel like we're not quite there yet? Consider applying for the position of Tech Lead." The person stated "You'll have the opportunity to work on projects you like. There won't be any direct reporting - just developing the project and process of managing the project."

Returning to

While away from home, Norbert realized he sought to be in a thrilling , fast-paced and thrilling atmosphere. He enjoys following the events till they've been completed and working on the flat design.

"I realized that I had to be away for some time to return to a higher degree of worthiness, and an informed perspective on my life. I'm not fond of management. Coffee in fact, there's no company that I'd prefer to be employed with that is better than ."

It's always been awe-inspiring by how people embrace change , and at how swift change can happen. It's incredible what is possible to accomplish in just two weeks!"

Norbert is well aware about the reality that coworker Elod Kuthy was able to make the change to the database engine in less than a week the task was not even thought of in other businesses. "There's there is no bureaucracy in this area, which helps to master a lot of data and create the desired effect," adds Norbert.

"Developers typically enjoy being employed with the latest technological advances. This is a great means of ensuring they are happy in their work environment, but I believe that the company's culture and team members make the biggest difference in making sure they don't make the decision to change jobs."

Norbert's Learnings

"The greatest lessons I've gleaned come from my experiences when it comes to maintaining and managing items that make a massive influence on people. Although there were some issues, the impact is huge on many. It's simple to adapt to it, however it's never boring or uplifting."

"It took me some time for me to adapt to the new position of an independent contributor since it's a type of story for professionals." Norbert says. Norbert, "but having an independent contributor is something that makes me smile. I'm content at moment."

Norbert is responsible at present for the speedy and effective execution of the software which he develops and for making sure the program is developed in line with the best standards of excellence. code. The level of accountability is what makes him happy and lets him "get his hands dirty" each day.


The route he chose to take wasn't clear. It was the result that he had to evaluate his task to ensure to create an enjoyable experience for the individual. It's a good reminder that the sole measurement of our accomplishment is the way we choose to measure the extent of our accomplishment. Experience of others is a useful instrument to aid us in seeking satisfaction.

Norbert loves programming and appreciates the challenge of responsibility associated with work that has strategic importance. But, despite being a very people kind of individual, he discovered that he was not satisfied in people management. Do you identify with those? Did you find your way?

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