Digital Creator: What is It and How Do I become one (2023 Guide) |

Nov 3, 2023

In this article this article, we'll explain the concept of digital creator. The article will define "digital creator," help you understand the advantages and disadvantages to becoming one, take through different kinds of digital content and lastly, explain how you can become a digital creator. If you're thinking of becoming a digital content creator This guide is perfect for you!


What is an electronic creator?

Definition of a digital content creator

A digital creator is a one who creates and publishes original content in electronic mediums; common digital creation formats include texts, video, written words photos, animation, and text. In contrast to those who create physical objects, digital creators have more flexibility with digital tools and have access to massive internet distribution networks to reach an audience, gain fans, and sell their digital goods.

The content on the Internet is split into creation by independent creators and content created by organizations and brands. Although content creation can look identical between the two, there are often slightly distinct goals.


  • Creators of their own work often produce works of art for learning, and to build followers, and monetize their efforts .      
  • Organizations and brands often hire digital creators to create educational content for customers, create members-driven expansion businesses, and increase brand recognition.      

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The increasing popularity of digital content

Digital creators form an integral part of our engagement with technology. Many of our favorite apps like Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn would be nothing without digital creators to populate their pages.

Here's a handful of amazing statistics to show that digital creators will not disappear any time soon:


  • Minimum 300 millions users on social media sites regularly share material as digital creators.      
  • 30% of those aged 18-24 think of themselves as creators. 40% of 25-34-year-olds consider themselves content creators ( Hubspot ).      
  • 40 percent of Generation Z values influencers make recommendations for purchase more than friends and family (Hubspot).        
  • The value worldwide of influencer marketing is estimated as $21.1 billion dollars .      
  • 46% of all digital creators earn less than $1k in annual revenue ( Linktree ).      
  • 66 Percent of digital creators see themselves as part-time (Linktree).        
  • While AI is upending production of content, only 26% of the population are confident in content produced using AI (Hubspot).        

These statistics are both inspiring and sobering. With so many digital content creators and much content, it's sad that some creators aren't earning much. Below, we'll look at several of the most lucrative forms of digital creation.

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What does the digital creator accomplish?

Digital content creators can't do it all However, if we take a look at the talents of the average creator, it's nothing to be awed by. While your parents might not understand this (you post pictures online? Is that hard? ), being digitally creative isn't an easy task.

Digital creators typically...


  • Look at the field of digital content and look for potential.        
  • Build digital content using analog and digital tools: create, design the content, create, and then edit.        
  • Have incredible creative technical skills (e.g. photography, video editing, writing, digital marketing ).    
  • Learn how to use email, social media or communities., to get their work noticed by the world.        
  • Establish interpersonal relationships (with the members, followers and sponsors, brand names, etc. ).    

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Why do you want to be an online creator?

Creative expression

If you believed that you thought that the Italian Renaissance was the peak of human creativeness the Renaissance was nothing like this. Millions of creative individuals are able to do what they are passionate about, and put it noticed by people with no gatekeepers.

And thanks to the internet, there's a market that covers almost everything. No matter how niche. It is possible to find an audience.

It's a great time to be a digital artist. Because you can pretty much express yourself any way you want.

Flexible career paths

20 years ago, making it as a writer was about getting your name in an important publication. Being a photographer would probably require a dark room, a large amount of equipment and an exhibition. Painters would probably need exactly the same things.

But now, there are a myriad of careers available for digital artists. You can work as a freelancer and develop a successful online business, or pitch your expertise to one of the thousands of companies that needs their help, you've got the possibility of having a flexible job.

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Location independent

Digital creators comprised several of the very early digital nomads who took benefit of the flexibility their job gave them to travel the world.

When you're creating stuff to publish online, it usually does not matter where you reside. That means that not only do you have great possibilities for career advancement, but you also typically have the freedom of location.

It is possible to write blog entries using Philadelphia, Paris, or Phuket. You can take Instagram photos from any place on the planet. Your feed would probably be better than others.

The majority of digital artists and creators have an laptop, and can go everywhere.

In demand

Digital content creators are in demand. With so much volume on the internet, those who make things that translate into views, likes and followers are highly valued. You could directly earn money from your digital creations There are a variety of options to accomplish this. It could also involve being employed by a business which is looking for digital content. Most businesses are producing content to put online.

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Digital content types

Here are some examples of some forms of content that are digital.


  • Written: Blog posts, ebooks, social media, newsletters      
  • Multimedia: Photographs Vector images, memes, GIFs      
  • Video: Long-form video, shorts, livestreams, video templates, online courses      
  • Audio podcasts Music, sound effects, and other audio files      
  • Digitized art: paintings graphics, logos, and graphic designs NFTs, and paintings      
  • Ecommerce: Products listings, Knowledge Base articles, reviews      
  • VR and Gaming: Roblox worlds, in-game purchases, games apps, and questions      

What is the best way to be a creator of digital content

Find your niche

Content creation is usually best within a specific niche. The creators who eventually reach popularity usually begin with a specific topic or target audience.



  • PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg): The show began with video games and then expanded to cover other areas.      
  • Lilly Singh: The Canadian YouTuber first started out by presenting skits on the topic of the culture of her home and everyday life before expanding into acting for mainstream movies and hosting a late night show.      
  • John Green: Started as "The Vlogbrothers" with Hank and his brother. They discussed things like science and lifestyle But eventually John branched out to other topics, including a bestseller novel called The Fault in Our Stars.    
  • Issa Rae: Started the web show The Mis-Adventures of Awkward Black Girl. The popularity of the show inspired her to create the HBO show "Insecure ."    

Niching down allows creators to be focused on excelling at particular things and then build a following around that one item.

For digital creators with an idea of a business using digital media The niche can help you be more successful rather than trying to reach every person. As we witness people launch classes and groups and communities, they are always better by focusing on a specific area of expertise.

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How do you find your target market

There's no ONE approach to find your place as a digital creator however, here are a few tips to get you going:


  • Write down the topics which you would be able to discuss over the course of a day. Ask yourself: which topic would you be able to give a an hour-long talk about with no preparation?      
  • Have a conversation with your friends or family members about what they look to you for advice or insights about.        
  • Look at the creators who you already follow. We often follow people like us doing that stuff we value. Do you see an opportunity to build something within those groups? (And don't let imposter syndrome get you down! The first time you encounter it, it can be scary. )      

Create your own style

Craft may not always be one that individuals think of when thinking of creators of digital art. But, just like all great art, digital design is a craft. The art requires expertise and excellence. Most creators possess an art they've developed which helps them make an impact.

As an example, the musician JVKE was a huge success to TikTok fame during the outbreak. In each of his initial videos, he'd pretend that he was getting his mom to create a song for his mom. After that, he would create incredible song mashups that "his mom" made up. One of his first hits was the song "Upside Down"--which featured samples from the song Hood Baby, by KBFR.

The hit song went on to explode in the popularity charts (With a lot of commenters expressing outrage over the fact that JVKE became famous, when it was actually his gifted mother "creating the whole thing.")

But the truth is that JVKE did not get luck. He was an incredibly gifted musician before starting. However, instead of simply releasing the songs via TikTok, he created a catchy hook style that always featured the mother of his child asking him to play songs (with footage of her making music). By combining instrumentation, vocals, music production, and fun video clips, JVKE went viral and has since been producing Billboard hits like Golden Hour.

Whatever your content creation will be, there will have to be a certain amount of craft involved. If you're writing, creating videos, performing, singing and teaching others to use Excel to improve your skill, mastering the art is what will get you to a content quality that's enough to get seen.

Now, you are able to develop your craft sitting by yourself someplace. But one fantastic way to develop your craft is to begin producing content. If you look back in the past archives of many YouTubers and you'll notice the improvement they've made in production, presentation, as well as video ideas.

You don't have to just wait until you're ready to become a professional. It's possible to use the power of content to try out and gain knowledge as you move.

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Learn the right techniques

Each type of digital creator needs a certain type of skill set.

When we observe people launching thriving social networks, they often have leadership skills to unite people and the ability to develop and share a vision that other people can see. They are able to ensure that members feel they are part of the community, and also their organizational abilities to set the course for their community's progress.

You don't require all of these abilities today. Learning by doing is a legitimate way of acquiring them.

But whether by hands-on instruction or through dedicated instruction, the vast majority of digital creators are taught a few skills.


  • You may also take classes: for example, copywriting classes to teach you how to build writing that sells.        
  • Some might need to learn how to use equipment, such as a camera and microphone.        
  • Some might learn editing video, or keywords research for blog content.        

There are various, important skills required by each kind of digital creator. knowing them can assist you to get the most out of your work.

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Choose the outlet you prefer.

At some point you'll need to choose a platform to publish your content. The listing of "types of digital content" above gives you some examples of types of content you can develop, but every one is a good fit in a particular place.


  • If you love hosting conversations or interacting with other the members of your community, perhaps a group is the best option. The following examples of community websites are sure to inspire you.    
  • If you enjoy making and editing fun videos, maybe you're destined to become an YouTuber.        
  • If you've got a great photography eye and are looking to create stunning photos, then Instagram is your place.        
  • If you want to be writing about politics, providing analysis and opinions about how things are going in the halls of power, might be better off creating an online blog (or even sending op-eds out to the major media).      
  • If you're hoping to introduce a specific brand onto social media and to create an environment for it, maybe you need to become an administrator of social media.        

Choose the source of content that's going to fit the content you're looking to make.

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Build a content strategy

The content you create is not an instant flash. Digital creators who post for a week, and then cease posting will be experiencing... nothing. It will be nothing.

It's a process that requires consistency and you must stick with it, whether you're building a network of people, a subscriber to a mailing list or even a social following.

And the people who adhere to the standard are those who can see the growth with time.

When you're a digital creator OR you work for an organization, sometimes it's helpful to establish a content strategy! For example, when we produce content for the Mighty blog, we usually have big-picture content goals for a quarter. Then, we'll do our study of keywords to figure out the things we require from an SEO perspective, and we outline the content we'll be creating by using a Monday's board.

This helps us monitor what is in the field and helps keep us accountable to build it!

No matter what kind of content you're creating A content strategy could be very beneficial. However, you must be realistic in your strategy for content. For most new creators, it's probably not realistic to say: "I'm going to create 10 YouTube videos per week." Additionally there's a higher chance that you'll become discouraged when you set such ambitious expectations.

Instead of quantity Make it a top priority to stick to a plan of content over a lengthy duration of time. Even one video, blog, or post. a week can add up. The key to establishing consistency is something that most wannabe creators fail to achieve.

Brand Community

Grow your community

"Community" can be a term that gets thrown around a time with digital media. It's true that we're biased here-as a community platform-but there are many instances where an interaction online can be described as one of the communities. If you've been tagged by an Twitter troll adding snark under your posts, is that your community? If you've got the same three people liking all posts on your Facebook page, are they part of that community?

HECK no!

Here's what passes for community on numerous internet forums.

What they refer to when they use the word"community"?

for many brands and creators, community is:


  • The people who comment on your blog posts.        
  • Participants showing up on livestreams.        
  • People joining your mailing list.        
  • YouTube comments. People ask questions in the comments on YouTube.        
  • Respondents to a poll on Twitter.        

The content isn't great, but a lot of creators are seeking this. Increased customers. More followers. It is a desire to observe an image of a metric that is merely vanity, without ever necessarily building an actual human connection.

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What does it mean when we say"community"?

When we think about the concept of community, we are thinking about real human connections. This is not about the superficial remarks and a chance to go deep and really create meaningful connections with others.

If we are thinking of community, we can think of:


  • Members don't only read your articles, but create their own.        
  • Members who can answer others' questions by sharing their experiences.        
  • Members who form friendships with one another, without having to be there.        
  • People who are committed enough to show up day after day, so that your community is a part of their identity.        

The true community doesn't rely on the simple connections of subscribers or fans to creators. True community is about connections and the feeling of belonging among members.

That's exactly what we're looking for.

If you're a creator of digital media and you're looking to join the very first community. At first, it's exciting to get subscribers and comments. However, eventually the buzz of dopamine from such things wear off. Or, you say the wrong thing and your subscribers turn on the person you are because they have never truly known who you were in the first place.

The creation of a community with engaged users lets you work more with less. You still get to be a digital creator, but it's now hosting discussions instead of performing. Your members discover something more important than an adrenaline rush; they discover a sense of the feeling of belonging.

That's what communities accomplish. That's the reason we like them. When we speak of monetization-a community can become a thriving digital business without millions and millions of followers. We've observed 6- and 7business models grow out of a handful of engaged users.

Find out how you can monetize

Many creators do not want to be monetized at certain points. If this is the case, then it's time to find the best strategy for monetizing that is suitable for you and your brand. There are plenty of ways to accomplish this, ranging from advertising to selling digital items.

You'll have to discover the perfect solution for your brand.

Take a look at the creator calculator, that will help you determine how much you 'll get from different monetization platforms.

creator calculator content creators

Digital creator in contrast to. influencer

We're using the term digital content creator in this post, but what's the difference between a digital content creator or influencer?

If you'd like to learn a really simple way to look at the difference between a digital creator and an influencer the answer is this Digital creator describes content created using digital technology as opposed to an influencer, which describes someone's output. Also digital creators are any person who produces digital media. An influencer is someone who's content gets a lot of attention and followers and has built sufficient social capital so that their ideas and work are able to influence the opinions and actions of other people. That's why they can make money through their brand as well as many digital artists aren't yet making money.

To keep it really simple, it could be said that every influencer is digital creator. But not every digital creator is an influencer-because the influencers' success is measured by the number of followers they have.


Examples of successful digital creators

There are a myriad of stunning examples of digital creators. we'll look at a few of our favorite digital creators that have created communities on Mighty!

Adriene Mishler: Is YouTube's best yoga instructor and runs the channel Yoga with Adriene (12 million viewers). Adriene and her team also run the Find What Feels Good and Kula communities on Mighty.

Martinus Evans: grew his Instagram community consisting of "back-of-the-pack athletes" to 95,000 people He then grew this to an online community of more than 20,000 users.

Ashley Fox: Left her six-figure Wall Street job to teach financial literacy to the majority of the population that big money doesn't aid. She launched a movement called Empify that reached thousands around the globe and taught financial literacy in more than fifty schools and The Wealth Builders Community.

Sadie Robertson Huff is a popular author, speaker, television star and among the world's most powerful voices for younger Christian women of today. She has more than 4.6 million Instagram followers and national speaking events, and a podcast that is ranked among the top, WHOA, That's Good. She manages the community LO sister.

Drew Binsky: A travel YouTuber who has more than 5 billion views, launched a branded app-Just Go-to help people fall in love with traveling.

Power workshop by Sadie Robertson Huff

Do you want to become the next digital creator?

As we've said in this piece, it's simple to think too much about becoming a digital creator. Most of the time, the most effective way to start is to get started.

If you're looking for a foundation to build upon, come build with Mighty! It brings together content, courses, community and commerce. Mighty is G2's most highly rated community-based platform. It's the perfect place to launch your online content, and then build your business on it.

Try it free in 14 days! Credit card not required.

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