Consistency is the most important factor to success. This is how you can improve at this area. |

Nov 25, 2022

It is crucial to build the reputation of your own business of creators. You must be consistently. This is the main reason, and here are the four steps for becoming more conscientious today.

Making your brand known to your customers -- as well as to your business is a lot easier said than done.

Over 1000 artists were surveyed to share their best advice for growing their following. While you may think of sophisticated software or elaborate funnels for marketing to be the key to success, business owners from various fields and different levels of experience unanimously stated that the key to their success was producing relevant material. In particular, they developed content that was tailored to the audience they were targeting.

It is crucial to maintain consistency in the growth of your online business along with four ways that you can employ to ensure that your website is reliable and high-quality working long until the end of the road.

Consistency can help you decide the extent to which you're able to keep it in the long term

Starting your own creative business is an exciting thing to do. There is a good chance that you will devote a lot of your time and energy to the art and it should be something you love performing every single day. A consistent approach to the work you do puts your concepts on the line.

RadReads newsletter email capture
"I've regularly emailed each throughout the day ever since I decided to set the goal of doing it first over all other things. It's been a huge help. Since then, I've been using the weekly email as an outlet for my creative ideas... That's how I attempt to be a part of my craft and improve my craft."

By deciding to make email a requirement, Veronica has given herself an opportunity to be a part of the work she does and to unleash her creative side.

What is our advice?

A consistent appearance improves the trust.

The web is constantly changing, and leaving an impact on prospective customers isn't simple. Engaging in regular conversations with your customers can show customers confidence in you and assists them in gaining a greater perception of your company. 40percent of buyers from the USA will buy more because they trust the business, and spending time with customers will build a strong basis.

"Every each day I change my back on myself. I am visible constantly so that my followers are aware of who I am. I speak to them and they are able to be aware of the learning experience and decide to enroll in any of my classes."

By consistently posting high-quality content, she grew her business Instagram account to over 8000 followers. After that, her first course launch brought in 5-figures.

Showing up consistently on Instagram

An Em's Instagram Reels

"I realized that the more I was sharing with my friends and the more I shared with them, my circle expanded, and I found wonderful people who would be willing to collaborate in my journey, collaborate with me to teach me as well as be my friends."

Establishing trust with an audience provides you with an understanding of what products and services you can offer. Harp teacher Anne Crosby Gaudet observed:

"My customers are able to feel that they've known me since I've been producing weekly content for a number of years. My main business is composing music for the harp as and creating video performances to help students learn. My clients have come to trust me as they've realized that my work has been creative, insightful, and valuable. The decision to introduce the harp lesson classes was easy since my clients already knew, loved and appreciated my talents as a musician and teacher."

With a good reputation earned through performing free of charge and also composing, Anne was met with enthusiasm when she decided to offer online lessons for harp and harp.

The regularity of delivering quality material helped Rachel Lynes from The Sing Space grow her following by more than 50 times in the course of just a few months.

"I hosted a weekly free 30 minute singing lesson for 8 months through our Facebook group. Many thought that I was crazy and I was able to increase the number of participants who attended the classes from 300 to 5000 over the course of 12 weeks. Also, I transformed the classes to be free and into the world's first Vocal Gym(tm) that is an online platform that is dependent upon subscriptions."

When Rachel changed from free services into her award-winning voice coaching business Rachel was able connect with a huge audience who recognized the value of her coaching services.

At the end of the day sharing your love to others can build trust, and builds stronger connections between you and your audience.

Consistency is an algorithm friendly

As an example, Instagram content is classified based on dozens of variables, including how well-known a post is (likes and comments) as well as how often viewers have engaged with your post and how long it has been since the post was made, and the activity you have done in the application. The same is true for YouTube. YouTube places videos in accordance with which receive the highest engagement keywords, and the significance of the description of the video, title, and content.

When you frequently post on your preferred channels, people will be able to learn more about who you are as well as your activities. When you add new content to your website, you provide new viewers an opportunity to discover your brand and give existing customers are more likely to stay. In addition you'll also be able to gain access to a vast library of information that followers can like, comment on and post. It could result in increased participation and engagement.

"The initial 30 days that were involved there was a lot of participants," they explain. "People said, "Wow! amazing, you're doing the exact same thing each day. I'd like to know the extent to which you can take it.' We've got the YouTube algorithm working for our benefit due to the fact that we have posted numerous times that helped us get in the right direction."

"We played a role in the day's schedule for them. They could wake up, get their breakfast coffee and then play Tiny Shiny Home."

Today, they upload short videos every day and long-form documentary-style pieces every few months. Their channel has grown to include more than 99K users with some of their videos having reached three million views.

Lissa Prudencio from Wealth for Women of Color noticed the same trend when she joined TikTok. "I determined to upload every 3 to 5 times each day through TikTok for one month, and then it grew to two or three months. Then I saw an increase in my growth."

Though social media platforms probably do not penalize or reward them solely for the time you post, the things they do focus on could be enhanced by consistent posting.

If you're still not seeing the intended growth, consider expanding your posting frequency. If you're one of the Longneckers posting videos each week helped the Longneckers to improve their abilities and build a following however, daily posts helped them reach out an octave. Even though it's only for a short time frame, regularly posting at a higher frequency may increase the effectiveness of your system. your direction.

Four strategies to be more consistent in your work

Are you looking for ways to become more reliable in your business of creativity? Here are some guidelines to help you deliver time after time regardless of stress.

Content batching

batching is the process of working in similar ways meaning that you don't need to switch tasks often. A lot of creators -- and I'm also putting my hand up herethink that working on the same type of work for a long period duration reduces distractions, and helps focus.

For instance, looking over the most recent YouTube video or writing scripts to make thumbnails will require distinct skills in order to be successful as well as the ability to switch between various tasks may reduce effectiveness . If you decide to employ an approach of batching, one can devote a few hours researching video ideas for several forthcoming tasks. After that, you'd be spending the time writing video scripts, and so on.

Em Connors makes use of the method of batching content to avoid the oversaturation. Em Connors uses Canva to prepare several weeks of Instagram content in advance to ensure she's not required to think of new ideas in a hurry. The batching of content helps Em to make sure her brand maintains a consistent design and look.

If you're interested in trying your own process, start by making tiny step by step. It is possible to set minimum an hour in which to:

Make social media posts

Outline future blog posts

Find YouTube videos on YouTube

It is possible to achieve a lot by sticking to the same job in short time.

Content repurposing

Content repurposing means reusing work that you've published previously across different platforms or channels.

Imagine that you've composed a huge blog article. There are a few ways that you can reuse an article:

Create Instagram posts or Facebook posts to the entirety of your key subjects.

Utilize the content as a source for a script episode of a YouTube or podcast video.

Use a portion of the article in order to create an email newsletter.

Make shorts, reels, and TikTok videos based on main ideas.

ideas for content repurposing

By using what you can to make sure that you're communicating an identical message across your different platforms. This will also make your life easier as you don't have to begin all over again.

Veronica Green uses blog posts for creating videos and emails, which will mean she doesn't have to come up with a new idea every time she engages her audience. The YouTube videos can be converted into images, quotes social media carousels, and shorter clips, allowing for months of content with the need for additional effort.

If you want to try this Start with a greater part of the material. Blog posts, more lengthy newsletters through email, and YouTube videos work well. Consider your most popular quotations and videos to use as a start place for your next tweets and carousels. And captions.


Dara Sierra of Be Seen Consulting states, "[I wish I knewhow important it was to schedule the content you post ahead of time. A daily posting schedule could be overwhelming and you might not be able to publish according to the date and time. Calendars has been beneficial to me in numerous ways!"

Scheduling tools allow you to space your posts over multiple days to ensure that your content runs consistently regardless of what's going on out in real life.

Realistic expectations

To be able to produce consistently, you need to set yourself realistic guidelines. The key is to choose the right time for publication that you are able to keep and selecting the medium that you like.

In the case of Khe Hy as well as Veronica Green, sending an electronic newsletter each week was perfect for foraging relations with their audiences. In the case of Longneckers as well as Em Connors,, posting every day was the most effective way to communicate.

Your schedule may look different for each channel you use as well. Therapist for occupational therapy Maria Lindbergh confirms "I've selected avenues that give satisfaction: I write two blog posts and newsletters every month. I also post daily on Instagram, and posting once each week via YouTube."

There's no set rule for when you should post on your blog however, it's recommended to choose a timetable that fits with your schedule for you to be able to keep the long run.

Choosing the right platform or channel is key.

It's not necessary to limit yourself to digital platforms, also.

Paper flower designer Kritchaya TwitchsriGranati shares, "I made a commitment to attend every week at least one of the events over the course of a year. I will follow the path it took me to. It came as a shock for me to find that I connected with other entrepreneurs and shared ideas, and others have been turned into customers and even friends. I am now at a higher level to get to know anyone new and present myself and talk about my company . This has lead me to unlock many doors I could never have imagined existed."

The pressure to be a part of a shady platform will cause you to break your consistency. Choose to stick with your personal style, which feels at ease and is natural to you.

You can try it yourself

It helps determine whether you're passionate about something that you are willing to dedicate to it for the rest of your life. It can improve audience engagement and build trust with those who follow you, by assuring them of your integrity in their online lives.

To ensure consistency, attempt batching, or even repurposing existing work. Plan your content in advance to avoid having worry about events coming to an end. Set a realistic plan, and choose an option that can keep you on track.

Let's look at a short experiment you could try to see the results of uniform behavior.

Pick a channel you'd want to grow and set the goal of posting within an exact timeframe. Example:

I'll be posting on Instagram every day over the next thirty days.

I'll email my email address every Monday, for two months.

I will publish a new YouTube video every Tuesday and Thursdays for five weeks.

Note down your numbers and engagement statistics before beginning, and recheck them at the end. Was the result? You might be amazed at the lessons you've discovered.

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