Complete A-to-Z Checklist for Starting an Online Business

Apr 28, 2023

You're here! That means that you're close to taking an important life choice. You want to start an online-based business. It could be an ecommerce company, a service-based one such as a course or coaching business, or something else. The most important question you probably have is -- what do I do? To get you started, we've created an entire checklist to help you start an online company.

Maybe you're tired of being a slave to someone else and want to create your own hours and are tired of with having no influence or control on your pay. You're looking forward to taking an opportunity and seeing what you can create based on your concept for a product or business. Maybe it's one of these.

Whatever has led you to think about starting an online or ecommerce enterprise, it's bound need some time, and you'll need assistance.

The good news is, you don't need to have a university degree to be an entrepreneur who is successful. Anyone determined to learn, work about business, make mistakes, and be consistent can make this happen.

But, there is a many things to be done so having an online business checklist will help. works every day to democratize commerce by allowing anyone to explore their own ideas, regardless of where they live and who they are and what resources they have. Making sure that people can succeed in business is our goal!

Table of contents

Common questions from new business owners

The checklist to start an online business in a bit, but first, let's discuss some of the questions that arise when beginning an online company.

writing in a notebook with an orange pen

How much will it take to establish an online-based business?

Starting an online business costs much less than starting a traditional one with a physical storefront or manufacturing facility. But, there's a number of costs you'll still need to factor in before you get started.

In the beginning, you need to create and publish your website. There is a way to cut costs by doing some of the work yourself, by creating your own website content and building your ecommerce company on a platform that is free such as . or, you could reduce time and hire an agency or freelancer for the task.

In the next step, you'll need to pay legal fees, including business licenses, permits or even creating legal declarations of liability based on the products you offer. If you are renting equipment, you may want a rental agreement drafted by a lawyer.

A different business expense is taxes and accounting, including paying sales tax. You'll also have to pay for shipping for physical product, which can also include returns.

Even when you have an online company, there are going to be initial costs.

If you're in the process of starting an ecommerce business that sells physical items, you'll need an additional cost for production, development of the product, and inventory.

How long does it take to get started?

For online businesses that don't offer physical goods like a coaching company or service-based company like copywriting or web design, you could begin in a matter of months.

If you can devote several hours each day for your business idea, finishing off your items on your business checklist You could be ready earlier than you imagine.

Making use of physical items can add a few weeks, or even a number of months to the process. If you're making or modifying your own items in-house, you're limited only by how long it takes you to get the raw materials and to complete your work. The collaboration with suppliers or third-party suppliers adds more development and shipping time to the overall process.

Like everything else, if your new business is an off-the-wall project, the time you have spend on development is a limitation on how fast you can launch.

woman wearing a hat, sitting on a couch and looking at a laptop

How long does it take to create an online store?

For ecommerce businesses with packaging, goods, or other requirements related to them, the time for starting are longer. Setting up the ecommerce website is among the last steps to opening for business. Why? because you must have your products and processes determined first.

What kind of shipping option will you require? How does your target audience prefer to pay?

When you're done with creation, you are able to think through and outline the web pages you'll require as well as the functions it must include.

The process of organizing and creating all the information for your site -- product photos, descriptions, FAQs, etc. This can take quite a while. However, having all these details lined up before you hire an agency or freelancer could help the process run faster.

An experienced web designer can create a simple ecommerce site within a couple of days. But, it is best to be prepared for the process to last several weeks or so in the case of a standard store. If your project is more complicated or don't have your entire content and functionality needs organized in advance, building an ecommerce site can be a couple of months or longer.

How do I begin an e-commerce business without prior experience?

Your learning curve will be steeper However, if you're persistent, yes it's absolutely possible!

If you have no experience in the field, you'll need to set aside an extra amount of money in advance to help you learn about selling on the internet.

It's not necessary to have a formal degree, but enrolling in online classes can make it easier to achieve success. Sometimes, it's worth a small investment to learn from an expert. Why? Take a look at a few jobs you'll be required to complete:

  • Understanding marketing
  • The process of writing a business strategy
  • Selling and learning how to market
  • Providing customer service
  • Writing web content
  • Acquiring leads
  • Figuring out manufacturing and inventory management
  • Developing a mindset for success

Can I start an online company on an extremely tight budget?

You can certainly do it, however it's likely that you'll trade your out-of-pocket costs to the speed. If you're adept at teaching yourself new skills and have an interest in doing so, you can learn the basics of website architecture, copywriting, design, business structure, and marketing at your own pace.

Experts in hiring to assist in these areas can help speed the process but it will require financial resources up front.

The best strategy is to focus on your ecommerce or online business during your free time, in the form of a side-business, building it up a small at a time. You won't regret the time you spend educating yourself since in the end you will be able to produce better educated, versatile, confident, and capable small business entrepreneurs.

Stay patient, consistent, and consistent until you find your footing. Use our checklist for what you should know before launching an online company.

Is it a good idea to establish an ecommerce online-based business?

The process of starting an online business requires dedication. It's not going to be easy. However, if you continue to work on it, and never abandon your efforts, your new business will succeed.

Participate in a few seminars. Visit an exhibition or two, even if it's not your industry. See how businesses represent themselves, and the things they offer. Study the languages. Meet people. Learn from your current job at someone else's business -- the decisions happening in the background and the risk, the risks, the motives behind for why entrepreneurs do the things they take on. What lessons can you apply to your own ideas?

It's not a guarantee that you will succeed however it's recommended to take your time learning the most you can and follow your goals a bit every day.

What should I learn about beginning an online or ecommerce business?

If you made it this far congratulations!

You've already shown some commitment towards your idea for a business, and your determination to study all you can about becoming a business owner who is successful.

Now let's go through the checklist. This comprehensive checklist for starting your online business is focused on the essentials.

woman working on a laptop at her desk

The most comprehensive online business checklist

Take some time to learn about each of the items in the checklist listed below. If you're drafting a business plan this checklist can assist you when writing the document since it can make you think about the key components.

The checklist is broken down into six parts:

  1.   Product development
  2.   Legal and Government
  3.   Assets of business foundation
  4.   Website
  5.   Systems for business and operations
  6.   Marketing

The checklists don't need to be in a specific order, it's possible to tackle many things at the same at the same time. However, make sure the business plan you're developing is set before investing too much money into marketing, a business plan as well as other resources. For that reason, we'll start with the word 'Product.'

Product development

It's all about working out the product you're offering and how you're going to create it for your customers in the form of a physical product, online download, service or something different!

Be aware of what you're selling

Are you selling a food product? Hand-crafted jewelry? Clothing? Health supplements? Customized art? This may seem obvious, but you can't start a business without knowing your item.

If you're selling a product or service, what is the service? Do you have a clear description of it? You can sell video production, dog-walking, event planning seniors care, graphic design or any of a myriad of other services.

Or, maybe you offer cooking classes online, equipment rentals and software licenses. Or, you could offer printable worksheets, or tickets to performances. There are so many options!

Ultimately, what you offer must be wanted or needed by the customers. This is a good reason to start in tandem with the first task in the section on marketing of this checklist -to identify and understand your audience.

To do:Describe the products or services you're offering. Offer these suggestions to a segment of your target audience and seek feedback from them to improve your offering before investing excessively in production or marketing.

See if your product ideas are being sought-after

The broad product categories may be difficult to penetrate for a new ecommerce store or new online business. If you're looking to attract prospective customers, you should meet a need that's not yet being met very well by other companies. The term "health supplements" encompasses a variety of products. However, what about immune-boosting supplements for parents working as freelancers?

The result is an even more narrow, targeted market to sell the products you sell. This is because, once you begin to market, your online efforts will build from the foundation of the niche you have chosen to. It's much easier to get high-value traffic for a niche-based product or service than for an overall one.

After you've come up with your concept, conduct some investigation and find out whether there is a demand for it. Examine the market. Do they have a lot of competition, or are they missing an angle or service you could offer? Did a major competitor recently shut down or sell? Why? Do you think that this means the market for this product is not strong or could this be an excellent business opportunity?

Again, make sure to communicate your thoughts to the people in your target public to gauge interest. In-person interviews can be conducted, conduct surveys via Facebook or email accounts or collaborate with businesses who can do research for you.

to do: Describe your niche and prove that there is a market for it.

Develop inventory and/or fulfillment plans

Before you start taking orders, you need to be able to store inventory or an organized plan to meet the orders. If you're selling something tangible, this means ordering, sorting, and storing enough physical products to start without the risk of having too lots of unsold inventory occupying storage space in the garage or in your warehouse.

If you're refining and sourcing physical goods, the process can take longer than you'd think. Begin early by making the first iterations of physical products and then carefully examine the level of detail and quality offered by each supplier. Continue to refine your sourcing until you've reached the perfect equilibrium of quality, cost and effectiveness you're searching for.

man reviewing inventory list in a warehouse

Usually, smaller orders received from vendors can mean lower profits. However, when you're first getting started, you can opt for this until you're certain which offerings can become popular and which don't inspire customers in the way you expected. When you've determined that a product is a winner it is possible to place larger orders at a lower cost per unit.

In the case of service-based and less tangible products however, you may still determine your "inventory" by calculating the amount of necessary raw materials as well as your fulfillment capacity. If you're selling a personal consult, for instance then your inventory will be the total number of hours that you can be working during the specified time period. Be sure to include time for business management, marketing, and other unexpected tasks!

signature on a legal document

Note that this article applies to businesses based in the U.S. If you're in a different nation, spend some time researching the requirements.

Every state will have different requirements, but in general it is necessary to have:

  • A state-issued business license
  • Secretary of State corporate registration
  • Federal tax identification (EIN)
  • It is based on the product and service kind
  • Legal disclaimers
  • Legal contracts for customer-based or member-based businesses
  • Rental agreements for rental business

A few of these are one-time costs. Others have to be renewed each year. And, for the majority of these documents it is necessary to provide information, including your name as a business, from the section below.

You'll need the EIN in order to establish the business account in a bank, which you'll certainly want to do, as it makes the tax and accounting much easier to handle. Find your EIN here.

to do:Research all legal documents that you'll require based on your jurisdiction and unique business. Add each document to the checklist, and then get it all in order!

Business assets that are foundational

This isn't the complete list. Each company will have specific assets it needs to have. Consider the logistics of operating the business online you have in mind, and add items to this checklist of online business items as needed.

Create a brand or company that is known

Be careful not to do this too soon. If you are considering registering your company with the secretary of state (in the United States), one of the tasks is to check that the name you want to use isn't already in use. Name your products and business is a major marketing choice.

It is best to think of a large list of thoughts and then narrow it down. Maybe run your top picks by a few acquaintances or business associates. However, don't make a decision without ensuring it's not already used.

Do an online search for the ideas you like best and check what results pop up. Find Domain names to find out the if there is a comparable one accessible. Is there a website already using something similar? Your name needs to be unique and un-used. Find out more about naming your company.

Once you've chosen and the business name you want to use, you can begin branding your goods. The logo you choose should be of some sort to represent your company's image. Here, you'll also choose your brand colors. It is possible to change them later, but it's not always easy take the time and thought into this. Most likely, you'll want to hire a professional to design the logo for you and also provide branding suggestions.

designing a logo on a sketchpad

Understand the "why"

Whichever product or service it is you'd like to promote through your store online, you need to have a personal reason for selling it. The goal is never to make profit. Why? Because you can make cash doing many activities. What made you pick this idea or product instead of the other ideas?

Maybe you have an interest in your industry or already have the skills to can be applied. Maybe your current position, a hobby, or past experience makes you extra qualified to produce and market your item or service. Perhaps you've got some expertise in a field. For coaching and industry-authority-based businesses, this is particularly helpful. Maybe you have a passion for the subject.

No matter what, be aware of your motivation behind choosing your business concept or the product that you'd like to pursue. You'll want to tell the story of your business. You must know why you are committed to this so you can remember it when you face obstacles.

To do Do: Write a short paragraph explaining your reasons for pursuing this product or business.

Create business contact options

There's nothing wrong with using free email services like Yahoo or Gmail However, using an email address on your own domain can boost your credibility and professionalism. Once you know your business name and the URL for your website, you can create a business email address that will be something like [email protected].

You may also want to create a company address regardless of whether it's a local post office box that you can use for commercial and professional mail.

Finally, consider a phone number that is specific to your business. It also displays an exemplary level of professionalism as well as helps keep a a degree of separation between work and private life. Free tools like Google Voice help you get started quickly.

Set up a business bank account

You'll definitely want a business bank account. This is a must-have. There is no reason to associate your financials for business with your personal finances. To open a business bank account, you'll need a federal tax ID (EIN) and should have your business license, too. Contact your bank of choice for the specific documentation they'll require.


Naturally, as you're starting an ecommerce site, your website is an essential part of your company. Although the steps you'll want to take in this article will differ based on the company you run and the products that you're selling, there are certain commonalities to all online stores.

Choose a domain name

In the past, you have confirmed that your domain is registered. This is now the perfect right time to get the domain. This is actually another factor in naming your business, also. Ideally, your .com version of your domain name will be available for purchase, but there are many other alternatives you can consider such as .org, .co, and .net in accordance with your specific needs.

domain name search tool on

Your URL should also be to be simple to read and comprehend -- so that if you say it out loud to someone who is interested in purchasing it and they are capable of remembering it and then typing it into their browser in the future.

Purchase web hosting

You'll need a web hosting service to store your website files and then make them accessible for people to view on the internet. There's a myriad of aspects to take into consideration, including prices, uptime, security offerings as well as scalability.

Pick an e-commerce platform

E-commerce tools provide all the features you require to display your items online, accept payments, and much more. This is a fantastic choice for beginners and experts alike. It's the ecommerce component of WordPress, a website building software that powers 43% of all web pages.

WordPress is superior to other platforms since they're:

  • It is free to use. Both WordPress and offer all of the core features of their website for no cost. While you can buy premium extensions, a lot of businesses can start and run their business at no cost.
  • Expandable and flexible. You're not limited! Create as many different products and variations as you'd want. You can sell any product, from physical and digital products, to subscriptions, bookings, and courses. Create a site that is compatible any product you think of.
  • Open-source. Because both WordPress and are open-source that means anyone is free to copy, modify, and change the code however they'd like. This means that there's an extremely high degree of flexibility and transparency. This also means there's not many limitations and restrictions that are associated with proprietary platforms.
  • It is simple to learn. These platforms were designed for anyone to build stunning, functional websites, even with no coding experience at all. As an example, the powerful block editor can be used to build pages just by drag and drop elements (blocks) and configuring settings.
  • Part of a tight-knit community. This WordPress as well as the community are unique community, and includes meetups and Facebook groups, Slack channels forums for help, and so on. It's full of like-minded people who are all about helping everyone find happiness!
 setup wizard

Design your website

After that, you'll be able started on creating the rest of your website. Stick with the branding decisions you've already made, including your logo and color palette and ensure your online presence is cohesive. You can use the block editor to build everything from pages and product galleries, to headers and even template templates for your products (if you're employing an Block theme).

using the WordPress block editor

For an ecommerce store it is likely that you will require an About page, a home page, Contact page. You'll also need the product's category, Cart checkout pages, and Cart. This will also depend on the nature of your business.

Design your own products

Now, you'll want to create your product listings. In default, it lets you create:

  • Simple products (Basic products with no choices)
  • Variable products (Items that come with choices, such as size and colors)
  • Products that can be downloaded (Products which customers download)
  • Virtual products (Items that aren't physical and aren't downloaded such as services)
creating a new product in

Yes, you need to provide all of the technical specifications, material info, etc. You should also consider what questions customers are going to have and then try to address them within the description.

But moreover, you need to create an image of how the features of your product will help customers in their life, work, play, or any other way.

Set up a payment gateway

Payment gateways allow you to securely collect payments for your items, then transfer the money into your business bank account. There are some considerations to take into account, however ultimately the gateway that you pick will depend on the needs of your company.

viewing payments in

Establish business systems, and operations

Making the most of your profits as your business is about focusing on efficiency as well as establishing methods that do not duplicate which reduces the requirement to continually come up with innovative solutions to the business model you are operating.

packing materials in a box for shipping

Establish the packaging and shipping procedures

There shouldn't be a need to be able to guess on packaging options whenever a new purchase comes in. Create a system for locating SKUs you've got in stock, and how to pack each one for delivery. This should be a documented, organized process so that someone can be hired or at any time they could come in and assume this role.

Some items require bubble wrap. Others can go in a polybag. Still some combinations require a box and should get a free sticker. All of these are things you should consider prior to launching your business on the internet.

Find out the shipping supplies

Pick your preferred shipping company and determine how you'll bill the shipping

creating a shipping label with  Shipping

Determine inventory management and storage

In the absence of proper management of inventory, you'll run into many problems. There's no way to sell something you don't have, so it's important to have enough products on-hand without risking the possibility of a warehouse full of un-sold items.

If you're planning to store and ship the items you've got at hand, you'll need a place to store the items, and other items to keep them safe and organized the items for faster fulfillment (bins or tubs, shelves and so on. ).

Look at customer service procedures

How will questions be handled? What options will the customer have to reach out? Do you have a standard procedure you could create to address concerns of different levels of the severity?

Set up taxes as well as financial tracking

The majority of jurisdictions require recording and payment of a kind of sales tax, or VAT. It can differ depending on the location of the purchaser, the shipping destination as well as the location of your store or physical inventory and much more. It can get complicated quickly.

Alongside tax-related issues for business owners, you should know your financial standing in any moment. With a myriad of categories of expenses, and a wide variety of tasks to take on there is an overwhelming task to take care of.

viewing analytics on a computer

If you are tax-paying at the time of your tax return, or the appropriate interval you prefer, just send your financial professional this information and let them follow the instructions from there.

Create return policies


Just because you put up an ecommerce website doesn't mean anyone will find it, or even buy something. Most marketers, as well as smart business owners, will tell you that every company is a business of marketing. Your business is to sell your goods, and that's marketing. Before you are able to establish your niche by providing your customers the highest standard, the most original or most expensiveitems, people have to be aware of, comprehend how to use it, and then be compelled to buy.

Marketing is a fundamental aspect of any company and that's the reason that many of the key concepts of marketing in this section could, and ought to be developed in tandem with the other elements of this list. The people you target and the way in which you plan to market your business should impact everything from the name of your business and web presence to the SKUs you choose you develop.

Define and learn about your target audience

Are selling to a specific demographic such as kids parents, singles or older or other people? Are you selling to another market segment? You might be selling to satisfy passions, such as landscape or climbing rocks. Perhaps you're selling upon a demand.

But even with needs, different factors play a role. All of us need food. Everyone needs to put on clothing. However, what food items and clothing we choose depends a lot on our personal preferences, cultural background and life experiences, the way our parents raised us, the financial capability, etc.

Your target audience will determine your product in a certain degree, but the quality of your product will determine your target audience. Both must be considered at the same time.

When you've established the potential clients you're targeting, your marketing should be in line with that, and draw the audience in. If, for instance, you're selling landscaping services to retirees the marketing you use should clearly state that the service is meant specifically for retired people, not any other person. In the case of selling landscape to retirement community, then that's a different audience.

Decide how you can get your message to that person

Next, how will you reach your target market? Do you prefer to use online marketing? Do you plan to use print or in-person marketing too? The audience you want to reach will determine the answer to a extent.

For instance, using the earlier example, a lot of retirement-age people aren't on TikTok and it won't make much sense for that company to channel all the advertising dollars to this platform. However, a makeup company selling to teens and college students might want to strongly look into advertising on TikTok as well as other social media channels.

Where is your audience? How do they shop? Where can they find solutions to the problems the product you sell solves? How can you attract their attention?

woman leaning against a couch looking at a laptop

Choose an initial marketing budget

Every online business must decide their initial marketing costs in accordance with their specific circumstances. It is important to consider:

  • The funds you have available to put into investing in the beginning
  • Costs associated with various marketing channels
  • How you can do it for yourself, and what will you outsource
  • Your product's worth

A product that sells for $500 deserves a larger marketing budget than one selling at $5. For the first time at least. However, if that $5 product is a huge success it is possible to increase the advertising budget for it later.

It costs a lot more cash to make a TV commercial than an email-based marketing campaign. But you have to have an email list to send mail to and it needs additional marketing effort. Direct mail requires an email list as well.

In-person events charge fees for booths. Pay-per-click (PPC) online marketing charges for every click.

You have to determine what you're willing invest initiallyto reach out, connect to convert your initial set of customers. When you begin to expand the strategies you employ and your investments will shift.

Begin your digital marketing

  • Display advertising

Each one of them involves the need for learning and the investment of both time and money. It is impossible to master all of them in the beginning.

Search engine optimization has the lowest cost if you do it yourself However, it requires lots of effort to learn the process, conduct research and implement. However, if you're able to spare the time, start writing blog posts, eBooks and guides, checklists informational graphics, as well as other online marketing resources. Develop them around what people are interested in.

Then, use them to convert your site visitors into leads and customers. Request them to sign up for your email list with an opt-in form. This permits you to send out email advertising messages, which again, you can choose to build your own.

The other forms of marketing may cost more, however they let you more rapidly and effectively reach your desired clients, which allows you to develop your business faster.

Consider in-person marketing strategies

One of the biggest challenges in digital marketing is all the other online marketing available. The world of the internet is awash with distractions. The best approach is to get out and connect with people in the flesh.

man presenting to a group

Set up a booth at an event for the industry. Try getting a speaking slot and engage your audience from the position of authority. Create your own event to your intended audience, similar like financial advisors. Attend networking meetings. Join a local chamber of commerce.

The benefit of conducting such things extends beyond selling immediately. You'll learn a lot with every interaction. You will learn better ways to showcase yourself and your products.

Take a look at printing strategies to market

Print marketing is a type of direct mail. This could be postcards, letters, as well as flyers. Also, you can make small guides, book-length books or brochures.

It is possible to increase visitors to your website by including your website or a website URL on your printed products. The landing page that is specifically designed is effective because it allows you to observe how many customers use it, and know whether the strategy is working for you.

Grab your checklist and start making progress today.

Starting an online business will require a number of actions, but they're enough! and is here to support you by providing all the resources needed to set up and manage an online shop.

Are you ready to start? Get started with today.