Click the Follow button for the 14 experts in digital marketing immediately.

Nov 2, 2022

In today's hectic marketer producing content and enhancing algorithms is a full-time job. If you're a designer, content marketer, or marketing generalist, your day-to-day is likely so full that you're struggling to find the time to be motivated and keep your mind fresh.

And since said wisdom is usually condensed into a tweet of 280 characters, a just a one-minute Instagram Reel or short LinkedIn post, you can be inspired throughout the day. (No overtime required.)

14 marketing influencers you should be following

In this article

  1.    Video marketing experts we love
  2.    Content marketing experts to learn from
  3.    Social media marketing experts who inspire us
  4.    Web design & SEO experts to keep an eye on
  5.    Marketing strategists doin' cool stuff

We love video marketing experts.

Danielle Diamond

Danielle Diamond is the founder of Epiq Media, a video agency that produces video content for clients like Adidas, Lyft, Calm, Bumble, TikTok, and Exit Five.

When it comes to LinkedIn Danielle's slogan is "Don't be the ad. Make yourself the television show" and she shows her followers exactly how to do this. She delivers captivating advertisements, (short) video marketing guides, and also the actual results that their creative campaigns garner.

This is a glimpse of her imaginative work to Exit Five:

Kim Gehrig

For a taste, here's an advertising campaign she created for Apple:

Kevin Anson

Kevin Anson is a video marketer working with clients like ClickFunnels, IBM, and Mercedes Benz. According Kevin Kevin his website, he's produced more than 10,000 videos and ads over the past 16 years, and he's now sharing his knowledge with others via his well-known YouTube channel.

Most of Kevin's videos clock in at less than 10 minutes. And they concentrate on useful and practical tips like the steps to create an application video to be added to the App Store, how to make audio smoother as well as how to apply subtitles in YouTube videos.

Kevin's videos are available through YouTube and Instagram.

Content marketing gurus to learn from

Ross Simmonds

The founder and CEO of Foundation Foundation, an agency for content marketing, Ross Simmonds is a go-to follow for all things content marketing and growth. Simmonds is well-known in the field of content marketing for interacting with fellow marketers as well as creating Twitter threads full of actionable tips.

It's not a good idea to think that every person who might want to take a look happened to be on the internet at the same time that you shared it.

Reshare. Retweet. Repost.

Start with one idea. Distribute for ever.

Watch this:

-- Ross Simmonds (@TheCoolestCool) October 1, 2022

Ross' own success in social media also functions as a MasterClass in content that is repurposed. Ross doesn't just tweet to over 60,000 followers but he also shares digestible business advice via YouTube, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

Amanda Natividad

Amanda Natividad is the vice president of marketing at SparkToro which is an company that conducts research on audiences. On Twitter, she regularly gives advice to content marketers to her 116,000 followers, and her newsletter, The Menu, dives into her thoughts on marketing. She also speaks with founders, marketers, and content creators via her YouTube channel The Menu Show.

The old method of marketing The trick is to tease value and get people to click and then make a purchase.

A new way to market Give away free value --insights, tools, templates. Trust that people will eventually purchase.

This is known as creating Zero-Click Content.

And if you don't follow through, you'll end up being lost.

-- Amanda Natividad (@amandanat) September 19, 2022

Kaleigh Moore

Kaleigh Moore is a writer on freelance, marketing consultant, and founder of Content Remix, a podcast repurposing agency. On both Twitter and LinkedIn, she shares practical tips for improving the quality of your writing, and to repurpose every type of content- including written, audio videos and written contentin order to make the most impact.

Always remember that the internet is still fairly young and the content we're adding to it content-wise today will determine what the internet will look like in the future.

Online writers, creators and artists are shaping the internet ecosystem in ways we don't even know about.

Media is the word used to describe the message.

-- Kaleigh Moore (@kaleighf) December 12, 2022

Social marketing specialists in the field of media who motivate us

Lauren Thomas

Lauren Thomas has a fairly star-studded list of jobs on LinkedIn The resume includes: In the past, she's been in partnership with AT&T, The Coca-Cola Company, and Macy's She currently leads social at Intuit. Her suggestions for content creators?

"Do things you are proud of, and also have a little fun along the way."    Lauren Thomas, social media guru

In LinkedIn, Lauren shares her tactics for hitting 100,000 followers on TikTok to get buy-in from the top management for social strategy, and coming up with new social strategies.

Christopher Tompkins

Christopher Tompkins is the CEO and the head strategist at The Go! Agency, which is a social media marketing company. Apart from sharing his opinions on the future of marketing via social media on LinkedIn and Twitter, he also hosts The Bulletproof Marketer podcast. The Bulletproof Marketing in which he regularly interviews experts from growth and marketing.

Christopher is extremely optimistic about the future of video in marketing via social media, and has told Forbes:

"If you look at the current trending digital channels (social, paid, email) be aware of the level of movement that you are experiencing on every channel. You will be amazed at how popular this is than before...My recommendation is to step outside of your comfort zone and start using video soon."

SEO and web design experts to follow

Andy Crestodina

Andy Crestodina is co-founder, chief marketing officer at Orbit Media Studios, a web design and development business. His team is focused on helping customers create functional, engaging websites that increase sales. Naturally for Andy an important element of developing stories-based websites is strategically using videos. According to him, TechSmith:

"In research we discover that people's faces are magnetic and we can't help but take a look and pay attention. Video therefore has an enormous benefit over podcasts and blogs for connectivity."  Tweet

Connect with Andy on LinkedIn and Twitter for strategic and expert advice on analytics, SEO, and website development.

Oli Gardner

Oli Gardner is co-founder of Be The Keynote the company which helps people become better communicators. Oli also previously founded Unbounce Unbounce, which is a non-code platform for landing pages.

Oli's interest in tools for marketing and communicating are apparent in the content of his tweets and LinkedIn blog posts. He often offers advice on how to become an effective virtual communicatorin websites, webinars, or social media videos.

Neil Patel

Neil Patel is one of the most prominent known names in SEO and online marketing. And he's right. Every couple of days Patel shares fresh strategies for marketers on YouTube with short, less than five minutes videos. He covers the world of digital marketing in general terms and offers advice on how to rank in Google and how to spot patterns before they become too well-known as well as how to streamline your marketing.

Alongside Eric Siu, a founder, investor, and advisor, Neil also runs the podcast Marketing School.

Apart from Neil's podcast and YouTube channel You can also follow Neil via Instagram as well as LinkedIn..

Marketing strategists doin' cool stuff

Amrita Mathur

Amrita Mathur is the Vice Director of marketing at Superside which is a well-known design firm. Through LinkedIn and Twitter often, she discusses the way she approaches marketing as well as what's happening behind the scenes at Superside.

The posts of Amrita are honest and honest, and when you read them, you'll often find yourself experimenting with the Superside team. In February, for example, Amrita shared on LinkedIn that she and her team invested in "a bunch of moonshots," since, she explained,

"I'm calling it COMO. Much like FOMO, COMO is the cost of missing out which is why we'll put our money into areas where we think COMO is high." COMO is very high."

In the following months she released the benefits of the investment, such as the risk of investing in video and the way that creating a person-centered, dynamic advertisement increased their click-through-rate of 48%, cut their cost-per-click by 62%, and brought the cost per thousand down to 30 percent.

Dylan Kohlstadt

Dylan Kohlstadt is the co-founder and CEO of Shift One an B2B digital marketing agency. The majority of his blog posts concentrate on how marketers can move the needle by simply providing benefits to their communities. As Dylan tells Peer to Peer Marketing:

"I think that one of the most significant areas of digital marketing currently to explore is community marketing. Find out ways to build a physical and digital community where you create value and you create loyal and passionate customers who are also likely to shop with you."

You can find Dylan her on twitter, YouTube as well as LinkedIn. You can also listen to her podcast, The Dylan Kohlstadt Show which is available on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin is the co-founder and CEO at SparkToro, an audience research tool that helps brands better understand their customers. Fishkin is widely known on Twitter to help followers understand how to better make use of data and research in order to improve their marketing strategies.

Q: How do you figure out which social network(s) your community/audience uses?

A simple assumptions (e.g. B2B is usually LinkedIn, Twitter is where games crowd hangs, Insta & TikTok are for B2C in fitness/fashion/food, etc, FB for conservative news)?

Or do you do actual research?

-" Rand Fishkin (@randfish) September 19, 2022

While Rand promotes using data and customer research across all forms of marketing, he's experienced firsthand the potential that video advertising can bring to the table.:

"Video has some really special powers. One of the things I've learned is its memorability and the ability for it to make a lasting impression which lingers on an individual is unparalleled."    Rand Fishkin

You can also find Rand via LinkedIn.

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