CEOs, consider connections for working.

Feb 24, 2023

The month of March I participated on a panel on "Quiet The Quiet at the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos. It is a constantly changing environment that impacts employees. It's evident that as the leaders engage with a variety of important questions concerning the pros and cons of working remotely , as and the risks and potential of AI and the need to create stronger and more sustainable enterprises.

Yet, one thing is worthy of greater attention: If our workforce changes and technology is evolving in post-pandemic behaviours and standards are changing...don't we as leaders need to be able to change also?

There are a whole generation of people who are digital who have joined the workforce. They have grown up making and sharing video clips , but not texting or calling, and think of TikTok or YouTube the primary sources of data. They are, for me personally, hyper-connected and equally hyper-engaged.

At work, it's an entirely different story. There are substantial reductions in happiness and engagement for those working remote Gen Z as well as younger generations of millennials. Just 4 percent of those working remotely and/or work in hybrid or hybrid environments know what expectations are to be expected of them at work in addition to greater than 50% from Gen Z employees are ambivalent or unengaged at work. If we look at the degree of engagement among employees as the main indicator of work-related productivity, this can be a major influence on every business and every financial success.

Why is this disconnect? Both at work and throughout the world, we want to be part of an even bigger picture than we are. Every person has a need to feel a part of community that is transparent, honest and real. The more that our population becomes digitally distributed and AI-enabled, the more difficult it gets to connect to real people every day. Particularly if we've not redesigned how we conduct business to accommodate the next generation. There is still a tendency for us to make employees to study a great deal of papers and long emails and attending inefficient meeting. The employees are aware of layoffs as well as company priorities through comms which are automatized and scripted that they can be created through ChatGPT. The only information that executive management have is through surveys of participation, which can be cookie-cutter or live events with relatively low percentages of participation, coupled with sometimes snarky chats or Q&A.

Management as it was in the past has not worked for us. We need to alter the way our leaders present themselves and communicate with employees. Similar to how we're focusing on improving the skills of our workforce with regard to changes in population size along with new technological advancements and trends as improving our leadership capabilities of our employees in order to boost their confidence and establish connections across a broad level.

I've been playing with a lot of these in the last few years . What I'm able to see and accept, which will enable me to present differently and become more efficient as a leader.

     1. Be real, be you.

GIF of Anjali and the  Executive Leadership team during the pandemic

In the midst of the epidemic, I took part in the town hall meetings from the home of my parents at Flint, Michigan -- tired and sleeping in my velvet pajamas while my son who was a toddler, as well as my grandmother who shuffled around in her various background.

Perhaps it was one of the most effective communications that has been made to date.

Why? The reason is that it was not planned out and was accidental, awkward and messy. We are drawn to "us against us and them" conversations within an organization, particularly in times of stress and problems. It's easy to think of "leadership" as a nebulous, faceless machine. Being the first person in your communication with videos can prove to be an effective repellent. This forces you to take off the covers and shield your self from editing and writing communications. The most effective way to be clear about your identity is to present yourself as you really yourself.

There are a number of instances of leaders who were vulnerable and ended up backfiring...but I'd say for the vast majority of cases this was due to the fact that they performed poorly. It's important to allow that part of you to fall short before your colleagues. Everyone has flaws, which creates us as human beings. We all wish to see our leaders exhibit courage. We want to be like them.

     2. Beginning with"why "why . "

As with many managers I've been forced to make tough decisions over the past year. In the past, I've had to make managerial decisions, and layoffs including restructuring, closing projects in order to increase efficiency. My job is to make tough decisions, not-popular ones and to make them swiftly throughout the company.

With the increasing number of situations that employees face, they require more information in their decisions - not just the things they're doing, but also the "what" but also more importantly, that of the "why". In order to fully comprehend the larger competition or market context as well as the way in which tradeoffs are evaluated and balanced in addition to the specifics about who was on the receiving end and when was happening at the moment.

The most well-known strategy for communication will say that in the event of a critical communication problem that needs your attention to a minimum first ask the "what" before moving on to the crucial steps. In my experience, however, I've been more successful in convincing my employees to take on the difficult task when I approach my staff as key stakeholders that need to understand the situation.

Thus, starting with "why" is a first guideline for every communication . There are, of course limitations to being completely transparent (legal as well as public relations and managementand risk for customers) However, I've found that the vast majority of the time the barriers are explained in terms of. Perceived. There are people who may not be with your choices, but it's possible to say that if they do, they are not performing your duties. But, they'll be able to accept and appreciate your choices right from the beginning, as long as you provide the rationale behind your decision.

     3. Spend money on in-person meetings to have the chance to talk to each other more.

Anjali smiling with the  team based in Ukraine
Members of our Ukraine team are currently in NYC to celebrate the start off of our company

There's no doubt that I am able to see the irony of the head of a company who produces videos saying this. One of the most important experiences over the past few months was that we had the wrong attitude and didn't think of bringing our teams on a regular basis.

In the month of January, just one week following the announcement of cuts, we held a kickoff for our corporate event in NYC. We flew in employees from more than 12 nations. There were workers from Ukraine who took trains or planes to reach us. The event was not the typical party with confetti. The event was a casual atmosphere and a low-cost budget. This was among the most exciting and essential investment decisions I've taken.

It's even more effective for leaders when you board the plane to arrive along with your team members no matter where they are. The team we work with is distributed. executive team spread across eight distinct locations starting with Seattle until Switzerland. The majority of them were recruited in the last year, so we have a relatively young team and are just beginning to build an integral team. In order to speed up the process of creating our group, we began by having offsites at homes in the cities of each the leader's. The CFO's mom was a host to us in her fireplace in Vermont. Our Sales Head wore his apron. We also had frittatas to eat breakfast. The meeting was conducted in the dining room that was the home of the Head of Product's table.

Josh, Head of Sales at , sharing frittatas during a leadership offsite event.
head of sales making frittatas

The outbreak allowed us to peek into the lives of people and their homes. If we take advantage of that and incorporate this knowledge into our everyday life, we can be able to build stronger, more cohesive and better-performing teams.

     4. It's possible to transition between "lean back" in order to "lean forward" encounters.

One of the most important abilities in the field of communication is the capacity to create a "lean forward" experience, instead of "lean back" broadcasts. Human attention spans are decreasing (now lower than 8 seconds, which is shorter than the fish!). However, we still communicate by one-to-many communications, either through email messages that can be read by the recipient, or by a well-produced town hall where you relax and watch.

At we see the impact of engagement tax showing on our records in which the amount of duration required to create a screen is decreasing over the last several years. If we don't alter how we conduct this process, it's going to seriously hamper the capacity of our teams in sync and efficient.

It is about shifting our thinking and having the will to discover new ideas. Generation X is entering the workforce, and is far ahead of us because of their ability to produce and store authentic and rich information. They're ahead as they're not impacted by the restrictions we encountered in our generation through the decades in traditional working settings.

The truth is that employees aren't fired from their job. They leave bosses. In reality, executives are the most efficient supervisors, and in a survey that included over 113,000 top executives one of the main factors which determines their performance was the trust they have in their employees. Managers need to demonstrate to their employees that they can act in more authentic engaging and trustworthy manners. I'm betting that managers who are open to the changing and exciting environment will have more success managing the future generations of employees. They will better inform and motivate teams that are dispersed and will help them achieve greater success and develop strong bonds which result in remarkable results. They'll not communicate, and rather be more efficient in the way they communicate.

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