Bloom's Taxonomy for Online Learning: A Crash Course (+Template)

Mar 25, 2023

Bloom's Taxonomy is a well-known teaching framework to help teachers to meet the needs of their students . But do entrepreneurs and course creators use the same framework to develop their own businesses? Sure, we believe so.

In the days of the school system, what was it that helped you to excel in terms or numbers? Do you recall Maths as well as Science your favorite subjects, or did you wait eagerly for the English class?

Did you stop to reflect on how you got there? You learned to count, later adding, and that led you towards Physics and Calculus. The first grade you entered did not have an entire collection of Shakespeare on your desk. You were instructed by a teacher about letters, and the way they are combined into words you see on the pages of the book you've been reading.

Our brains are slow to learn and layer concepts over one another and gradually increasing the complexity of their. From the beginning of kindergarten until the hallways that lead to the Ivy League, Educators rely on building-block principles to disseminate information. They use pedagogical methods which are the theories and techniques of teaching to effectively impart concepts to their pupils.

Alongside the classroom understanding how people learn will aid course designers in creating higher-quality classes. With a thorough understanding of how the brain creates knowledge, you can strategically build courses that are more efficient by providing students with solutions. This will bring them to your courses, and encourage them to recommend your curriculum to their peers, as well as aid in the growth of your company.

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What exactly is Bloom's Taxonomy?

Benjamin Bloom originally published his taxonomy in 1956. The method for teaching was devised by Bloom to gauge the cognitive development of students. With the development of an order of magnitude that reflects the knowledge level of a child, Bloom created a way to answer the question that every teacher asks: Are my teaching methods effective?

Bloom's idea was as simple as: If you are unable to retain a thought, you do not understand the meaning; or in the event that you cannot understand something, it is impossible to apply the concept. There's no way to distinguish between correct or incorrect answer and then argue about their merits and drawbacks and any understanding or expertise of the argument can be achieved without the foundations for remembering and understanding.

In order to keep this in mind, he created the concept of a continuum of cognitive development, which was divided into six stages, and each was assigned a noun to describe the degree of thinking that a person should be able to master before moving on to the next level.

The spectrum is usually shown as a pyramid, to show the different degrees of dependence on the other levels:

  • Students cannot be accepted until they understand,
  • They can't be able to assess until they are able to think critically.

Bloom described this method as scaffolding. The metaphor makes sense: while construction workers construct tall structures and structures, they build scaffolding to provide support for their workplaces starting from the ground up. The same is true for the taxonomy. each level of the taxonomy is built upon the foundation of the previous level. If there's a flaw in the foundation , a mental skill was left out or was not properly reinforced then the following level may be unstable.

Every learner isn't going to begin from the beginning and move toward the highest point. Certain students have developed certain capabilities that enable them to begin in the middle and then begin their climb from there.

What's the significance behind the six levels in Bloom's Taxonomy?

Each level of Bloom's Taxonomy is followed by an array of words to explain the tasks students are required to complete in that particular stage. After a person has mastered the language at one stage, they move on to the next level, and the next level as well.

These levels also contain learning objectives, which are important when determining ways to integrate them into your course outline. When your courses progress, you may use greater and more advanced learning objectives since you are likely to see higher amounts of information from your students.

Additionally, we've included additional applications designed specifically for course creators as well as educators working in a virtual classroom. If you're looking for activities to practice as well as assessment tools that could help to make your lessons more accessible as well as complete the various levels of your course outline, this list of resources is an excellent place to begin.

Table of Bloom's Taxonomy Levels for Online Learning
Bloom's Taxonomy Levels online Learning

1. Don't forget

Remembering the process is simple: it's the most basic way to remember information. This is a game of memory, which is why it's at the bottom of this ladder and is the easiest and most fundamental element of learning and also the most crucial since it is the only thing that can succeed until you're competent to store a crucial mass of data in your memory.

If they have mastered the basic knowledge of this area are expected capable of recalling details and even identify key phrases. They are able to write an outline of key terms as well as draw a drawing as well as be knowledgeable about the subject to know the terms that they are able to plug into Google in their search for further information.

You can try it on to the test:

  • Students can participate on an online scavenger hunt. You can ask them to create an index or favorite list of sites that are relevant to their topic. It is also possible to find Facebook pages as well as other accounts on social media where this topic is addressed. Students are able to include their findings to a resource list that they can share with their friends.

Stage 2: Understand

In Bloom's Taxonomy the students have advanced beyond simply retaining facts and demonstrate a contextual knowledge of the knowledge.

It is apparent when they are able to convey information to a person. They are also able to paraphrase or summarize blog posts or news reports as well as other bits of data in an exact manner. They are able to conduct more complex internet searches today, employing Boolean phrases and digging through journals of academic quality - and make use of their knowledge to identify correctly and categorize numerous online sources that help in the subject.

Try it out:

  • Make a topic thread for your website community or Facebook group, as well as assigning students to contribute meaningfully to the conversation. Through discussing and explaining the subject with others, they can improve their skills and aid one another in progressing into the next step.
  • Create an article on a blog, or make a video, post an update on their social media, or live stream on social media platforms to present this concept clearly and concisely for others. The point is that it does not matter if they post the live stream or simply write the article and then present it private to the class Most important is producing content that is easy to understand and provides a simple explanation.
  • Provide students with the option of a blog or article for them to read. Then ask them to annotate the text by making notes on how the article relates to the theme.

Stage 3  3: Apply

Students at this stage have mastered the skill of taking the information they have learned and apply it in diverse scenarios.

The new expertise to resolve the problem. If presented with an scenario, they may utilize the knowledge to devise an initial solution. It is possible to test their knowledge with a simple project or task. At this stage, these assignments are similar to fill in the blank exercises, in which students receive a fundamental structure and must use their understanding to create the bigger picture. They're also gaining more knowledge about the issue and are at the point developing the ability to apply this knowledge in an conceptual manner.

Put it to the test:

  • Provide students with fundamental questions. Ask them to think of ideas based on the subject.
  • Students are given a diagram or writing piece with some terms missing in the piece, then instruct them to write in the words that are missing using the right terms.
  • Students already have a good idea of how to convey this concept. Ask them to brainstorm some ideas for an task or exercise that you can offer anyone to test their understanding.

Stage 4. : Analyze

While we work through Bloom's Taxonomy, students can dissect information into small fragments to study the connections between ideas. It is also the time at which students make their own judgments on the topic. They will be able to examine information, evaluate and contrast concepts and gather proof to back their claims.

Take it for a test:

  • Students are provided with condensed data or list of words then have them sort the information. You can ask them to rank it based on its importance, divide it into different types, or create chart of contrast and comparison with the explanation.
  • Have students create an argumentative list of both pros and cons that are based upon their knowledge of the topic and the way they could apply it to a particular problem or situation.
  • Give students an open-ended thesis , and then ask them to express your opinion or propose a solutions. This is the most important thing: students must present evidence to support their decision for proof that they are able to critically evaluate the topic.

5th Stage Evaluation

This stage is where students attain an increased level of independence in their understanding of the topic. They're not only capable of explaining, applying what they've learned by their teachers, they also can use everything they've learned and reorganize the information into fresh ideas which can be evaluated through debate, discussion, and measurement.

As of now the students are expected to be able to think critically and engage in debate over an issue for their thesis. They will be able to generate new ideas or suggestions, along with create tests and designs to evaluate the viability of their theories. Students at this stage possess an understanding of the subject that they can draw from their expertise on-the-spot for engaging in conversations that are spontaneous and tackle any ad-hoc problems.

Test it:

  • Group students in groups and let them discuss a thesis that was chosen by you.
  • Ask students to develop an extensive project to tackle a specific issue. Students could also create websites, slideshows or any other form of content to show their project.
  • Encourage students to take part in an ongoing thread on your group's site or community. For groups, the task is to be active in discussions, facilitate each other's discussions, and critically review any information posted in comments.
  • Present students with a problem and request the students create a test that will assess or resolve the problem. Students can discuss their solutions in a small group, similar to presenting with a whiteboard. The ability to present their arguments as well as arguments for their ideas will determine how well they understand the subject.

Step 6 to Create

The training wheels have been removed, the cord has been cut, and your work done is completed. The students you've trained are so knowledgeable that they are able to take this knowledge in various situations and develop brand-new resources that inform and inspire individuals. They've reached the peak of Bloom's Taxonomy scaffold , and they're determined to improve and become successful individuals. Are you proud? You should be proud!

Put it to the test:

  • Students must write an article or video that utilizes an innovative method of their own to present the subject with a captivating approach.
  • Put students in groups to develop and produce a set of podcasts that cover the subject. Students may work with the class to choose what topics should be covered throughout the series. each episode can build on previous episodes.
  • Students must design, edit, and make contributions to a Wiki regarding the topic.

What is Bloom's Taxonomy

Know the students you teach. What questions would they ask? What are the projects or projects they engaging in? Are they motivated enough to participate in class discussion?

In the beginning of a class, begin by asking questions based on various Bloom's taxonomy levels in order to establish the level of comprehension of your students. Be attentive to the answers as well as the level of engagement. students will engage less as you ascend through the levels that they're not familiar with, and this can help determine the extent of their knowledge. Now you can build an instructional plan to assist them to move up to upper levels.

Discover the main goals of the development of your students' cognitive abilities in your course. Does this course offer students an beginning? A chance to revisit previous concepts? Do they have a particular skill that they have to learn, or an academic level that they have to attain? The Bloom's taxonomies do not all alike; the use of each will differ according to the topic that you're studying as well as the level of proficiency that you wish to achieve.

Develop an assessment strategy to help students progress through levels within the taxonomy of your course. After you've determined the final destination you'd like to finish with, you'll be able to determine the stops along the way making use of Bloom's Taxonomy to ensure you're meeting every requirement.

Within a single lesson, move from lower order to higher-order thinking questions. The level of questions that you are asking should be part of your lesson and can be distributed throughout the lesson beginning with lower-order questions beginning the lesson, then ending with more advanced questions towards at the end of the lesson. In this way, you will be able to determine if your students are staying current on the syllabus and able to tackle any roadblocks or support students struggling prior to moving on into the next stage.

Results of learning for Online course's efficiency

Now that you have the key to success in pedagogy and you're ready to create a plan of instruction that packs a punch. No matter what you're instructing someone to play the piano or start an enterprise of a modest size Our brains are wired exactly in the same manner and adhere to the exact same structure, regardless of what subject you're teaching. Your ability to leverage that is the key in creating a curriculum that is effective and keep your students coming back for more.

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The original article was released in September of 2020 and it was updated in March 2023 to make it even more valuable.

Article was first seen on here