Augmented Reality within the area of education

Mar 11, 2024

Decades ago, you were able to learn about the human skeletal structure in video clips, images or anatomical models that were realistic. Nowadays, it is possible to project a 3D hyper-realistic representation of the human skeleton in your classroom. It is just one of the numerous ways that augmented reality has transformed the teaching process and education.

We'll take a deeper dive into the use of augmented reality for education and look at the different practical uses. We'll cover:

What exactly does it mean to be Augmented Reality in education?

Augmented reality in education (AR) is the addition of digital technologies to the physical class to aid students grasp the real world concepts. It isn't a substitute for real-world experiences; Instead, it aids educators and students understand complex and nebulous ideas.

Imagine teaching your students about the solar system. Instead of talking about it, you invest to the classroom a Holographic projector. It will show the sun and all the planets within it, in 3D inside the classroom. You can change the size of the planets, or make them smaller, and rotate the planets around, and zoom in on the details.

The students will be able to see the dimensions and arrangement that the solar system has in a way that's more interesting and deep than conventional diagrams or illustrations. Instead of reading books, browsing through pictures or viewing videos, they can move by exploring the solar system live and see the way everything is connected.

What are the advantages to the use of augmented reality in education?

Let's take a look at the advantages of integrating Augmented Reality into your educational setting.

It increases accessibility in the classroom.

Learn about solar systems in our course, for instance. This is the way you can employ AR to teach different styles of learning:

  • Visual learners are able to use AR software that project models which are resized of the solar system in the classroom. Visual learners will be able to view the planets orbiting the sun as well as look at their dimensions relative to each other, as well as witness events like solar eclipses and planet rotations.
  • Auditory learners are able to discuss key details about each planet, such as its distinctive characteristics and its composition at the moment that the AR model is being run.
  • Readers Provide additional texts or reading overlays inside the app, like the information about planets and trivial studies.
  • Learners who are kinesthetic: let kinesthetic learners play with the solar system in a virtual way using touch gestures or motion control. Students can, for instance "grab" objects then move them about and alter their orbits.

This helps create a more diverse learning environment, which permits students to study their own manner and in a manner that best suits their individual preference. There is no one left out regardless of what they are studying.

It helps students grasp complex concepts.

If you've not seen an onion and not one has spent hours delving into what they look like and what it looks like, you may not understand what it means. Visual representation however is much easier to comprehend.

Augmented reality could be more effective. Not only can learners visualize difficult-to-understand concepts, but they can also actively interact with them. For example, they can move their eyes around the virtual onion and observe its texture closely. Additionally, they could "peel off" each layer so that they can see the inside of the onion.

When they finish the program, students must be able to comprehend what an onion is, and be competent to explain it the same way as anyone who has had the experience.

Augmented reality applications for education

Now that you have an understanding of the concept of AR and the benefits it offers Let's look at some real instances of how to incorporate AR into the class.


There are two major AR applications that are used in STEM education: Inquiry-based simulation as well as the problem-based

A model based on the answers

This can be accomplished by making use of AR software to help develop abstract concepts and scenarios to make them easier to study and discover. This provides students with practical experience in complicated subjects.

The GeoGebra Mathematics simulator AR app is a great example. It allows students to create interactive 3D models using geometric shapes when they work on questions. It allows them to zoom in on different aspects of the shape and change its design as per the mathematical equation.

It allows students to learn mathematical concepts in an interactive way.

Simulation based on a problem

Use AR to build real-world scenarios that call for problem-solving- whether as a group or as a self-directed group.

One excellent illustration can be AR Circuit. AR Circuit is an interactive game that lets kids connect circuit boards online. Students can play around with various configurations, conductors and settings in order to see how the changes impact the functioning of a electricity circuit.

In light of the factors that motivated AR Circuit, Harry Banda stated that AR Circuit was born of having to bridge the gap between technology and Zambian schools, particularly for Chemistry and Physics.

AR within History and Art

One of the most important applications for AR in a historical context is in immersive learning. It helps you to recreate historical events to make interactive learning more effective.

One application that can do what it is supposed to do is one application can do this extremely well. Living History, which is often used in museums for guided tours that can be guided by the user. It conjures apparitions of characters who have gone through time and recreates the exact events that happened during the time of.

Say you're walking through the World War 1 section of the museum. Instead of looking only at photographs and notes You walk among ghost-like figures of soldier silhouettes -together with the scenery and trenches marking the battlefield.

Another use of AR in history and art can be found in:

  • Digital graffiti allows people to design beautiful graffiti while being careful not to ruin walls. There are a variety of mobile applications that can be used for this, like Vandaleak as well as Graffiti Go.
  • Virtual 3D art which allows students to convert artwork and sketches into 3D artworks that they can play with. Students can sketch an outline of a house. Then they can transform it to a real-life house and put it wherever they want using FeelTheArt.
  • Host AR art exhibits right inside the classroom. Students can use Artivive to create stunning AR art for no cost.

AR in medicine

Augmented Reality is utilized for cases-based simulations during medical education. The case-based simulations are designed to provide students with an intricate situation that is inspired by real-world situations they will encounter during their professional lives. They are able to use their knowledge in a practical manner and build core skills to be able to apply them in the real world.

A good example is AccuVein that is a vein visualization method. It uses augmented reality to display images of patient's veins onto their skin. This aids medical professionals find veins with ease and accuracy.

Medical students can make usage of AccuVein system to practice finding veins on a model patient. AccuVein offers real-time feedback aiding students in improving their accuracy and technique.

Augmented reality and. Virtual virtual reality

Virtual reality and Augmented Reality can be used interchangeably but they mean different things. Here is a table that shows how these technology are competing against each other.

Augmented Reality Virtual Reality
Define Combines digital data with reality allows users to experience a completely virtual environment
Interaction with real-life HTML1 Inlays digital content on actual world Replacing the real one with a virtual version
Immersion level Partially Immersion Full Immersion
Cost Accessible High-cost
Devices Tablets, phones Smart glasses, tablets Displays with Head-mounted Mounts (HMDs) VR headsets Head-mounted displays
Examples Virtual 3D models VR simulations

We'll look at a couple of these differences more deeply.


Augmented Reality overlays digital information on the real world for people to gain an understanding of the concept. Virtual reality, in contrast, doesn't interact with the real world. It instead allows the user to be immersed in another world entirely.


Imagine that you're offering an education on the human body. By using VR, you'll able to make an experience that is immersive, where students can travel inside the human body and are able to examine its functions. You can play with various organs, zoom in and see details, and be able to observe how each organ performs in real-time. It provides an extremely stimulating and engaging learning environment for students to discover.

It is, however, possible to use AR by scanning an entire textbook on heart health in humans. Then, you can see the 3D image of the heart at the top of the page. Students can experiment with the model, take a look at the various components and see how it functions as it interacts with various organs. They can be able to view the book beneath, which creates a multi-sensory learning experience.


Augmented Reality can be less costly than virtual reality because it needs smaller hardware.

When using AR it is common to need a smartphone or tablet and an AR app to get started. A majority of AR apps designed for school use the initial trial for free and include premium plans that cost only $100.

In contrast VR needs the use of a headset, which can be priced at hundreds, or even thousand of dollars. For instance, Meta's Quest 3 VR headset costs about $500. the Apple Vision Pro headset costs $3,499. There is also the possibility to purchase a powerful computer in order to operate this VR software.

Practical suggestions for implementing augmented reality in the classroom

Keep these suggestions in mind when you are using AR to help improve the learning and teaching.

Use the technology in conjunction with the educational objectives

However advanced the AR software or program is. If it's not able to assist you reach your goals for understanding, then it's not the ideal option to use.

Note down 3 to 5 items that you would like students to complete by the end of class. Let's say you're giving a lecture on the solar system. the learning goals could look like this:

  • Students need to understand how the solar system
  • Students must be able to differentiate between the rotation and orbits
  • Students must be able recognize the planets in our galaxy

Once you've defined your goals, the next question is "What AR tools can assist in reaching those goals?" For example, you could utilize a virtual projector to showing realistic images from your solar system.

Consider your budget

Choose affordable AR equipment that is easy to operate and maintain. One of the worst things you can do is to let students experience augmented reality but then let them go due to the fact that you're unable to manage or maintain the device.

There are numerous low-cost and inexpensive AR devices that could be employed in a range of applications in education (and we've already mentioned a few of them in this article. Geogebra is an example of this. There are many others to choose from using a quick Google search for no cost AR apps.

Let the pupils follow with you

Additionally, it is important to consider the learners' knowledge level. If they're not sure how AR technology works, they should start with basics AR applications like 3D mobile apps. It is possible to introduce more advanced apps as users become knowledgeable about AR technology. AR technology.

Augmented Reality isn't a replacement for the fundamental experiences of learning

You could consider augmented reality as frosting on the cake. It could improve your learning experience however, it's not able to solve problems in systems that aren't clear learning objectives, inadequate planning, and lack of feedback.

Be aware of these basic education requirements before you start. Once you've met these requirements, then you are in a position to use augmented reality to deliver more engaging experiences to students.

Augmented Reality FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the use of augmented reality at schools.

How do I start to implement AR within my class?

First, find out how AR is able to be incorporated into the current teaching setup. Then, you can look at budget-friendly AR apps and equipment. In this case, for instance, you can start by using inexpensive AR software for smartphones prior to investing on more costly hardware.

In the next step, slowly introduce pupils to latest AR setup for learning. Consider the various aspects that AR could be, and then explain how you can use it within the classroom. Offer them some examples of AR experience and let them explore AR software and apps by their own.

Are there affordable AR equipment for school use?

There are budget-friendly AR tools and programs made specifically to be used by educational institutions. An example would be Co Spaces Edu, a 3D animation program. The program is free and the paid plans start at $74.99.

Which subjects can benefit best in the best way AR integration?

AR integration is beneficial for courses that have spatial or visual components such as History as well as Science and art. In science, for instance students may utilize AR to interact through the digital representations of chemical compounds and look at virtual animals.

In history, they can examine ancient civilizations using overlaying virtual ruin sites onto actual locations. In Geography it is possible to explore different countries and cultures through overlaying maps, landmarks and virtual maps onto real-world locations. When it comes to arts, they can to utilize AR to make their art into 3D.

What are the common applications of augmented reality in the field of educational purposes?

There are many methods to utilize Augmented Reality to improve education and learning in the school. It is possible to, for example incorporate 3D models or animations in the textbooks you use to make them more engaging. You can also visualize real-life situations, like trees that grow from soil, or abstract scientific concepts.

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