A Guide to Creating Hybrid Events for 2022 (with examples) |

Jul 1, 2022

At one time when we used to live events in person ... Then COVID-19 came along. The result was that many companies and creators floundering to reconfigure their events online.

Virtual events can offer lot of benefits but many participants think that they're missing a critical component of in-person interaction. We'll admit it: trying to replicate each and each aspect of an actual occasion in a digital environment isn't working very well.

The answer? Hybrid Events!

Hybrid events combine both online and in-person experiences. offer creators and attendees flexible solutions, and can easily be used to create different kinds of events. What's that?

Let's dive into how you can create an awesome multi-faceted event.

    The piece...

    What exactly is an event that is hybrid?

    The benefits of hybrid events




      Maintain the connection

      can be recorded

    11 tips for creating incredible hybrid events

      1. Select your favorite blend

      2. Utilize virtual technology to encourage in-person

      3. Bring your live members virtual

      4. Bring your virtual members live

      5. Make sure you have plenty of time for networking and space

      6. Create discussion questions in the community

      7. Keep the spirit alive following

      8. Provide more content options

      9. Determine your technology needs

      10. Test tests, tests, test, test

      11. Choose your platform

    Hybrid event examples

      The Wild Hub

      Within the Cut


What is a hybrid event?

It's the first step. Hybrid events allow people to attend your event either in-person or virtually or in a mix of both. This truly gives the most beneficial of both.

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Benefits of hybrid events

Let's look at the advantages of hybrid events and why it might be the perfect choice for you and your attendees!


More than ever before, it's easy to host events that are hybrid due to modern technology. Hybrid platforms allow event planners the capability to create and launch amazing events that are connected via software. The most effective hybrid platforms are equipped with innovative features for designing an interactive event that has both in-person as well as virtual events seamlessly.

Cohort-Based Course - Phone Image


When you host a hybrid event it is possible to allow for customization. You can give attendees a whole new experience, tailored to suit your preferences. There are many hybrid event platforms that offer various ways attendees can engage and have more flexibility for how they choose to engage, such as using online chat like audio chat, Q&As surveys, polls, and many more.

Hybrid events are convenient to everyone since they offer your attendees options for how they show up. As an example, for those who attend in the flesh, a hybrid event allows them to leave the venue for a while and continue to connect online.

for those who travel a lot, have very busy schedules or can't afford to attend the event physically It gives attendees an opportunity to take part online.


When it comes to flexible, hybrid events give you the opportunity to adjust your price. You can, for instance, offer a $100 fee for people who attend in-person and $20 for virtual attendees. Of course, there's limitations on the number of tickets you are able to sell at an event in person due to limit on capacity in the venue. However, it is still possible to offer unlimited tickets to the online part.

You can basically make two sales at an event! It is possible to offer bundles and packages (e.g. purchase four tickets for the cost of three tickets, or if attendees purchase an electronic product along with a ticket to your occasion, they gain access to your online community for no cost) You have the possibility of unlimited possibilities!

Make sure the connection is active

Connections and enthusiasm don't necessarily end when the event is over. It brought people together who were excited about attending the event that you put together.

How can you keep these connections alive with an online community? A community can help people maintain connections and create new ones. Additionally, it may provide members with new possibilities (both professional and personal). Your members can interact with one another, your contentand even with you. Additionally you'll let them be the first to know about your next gathering and can be excited!

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It is possible to record HTML0

If registrants aren't able to attend your event because they're unwell, have to be late for work or decided to relax in the midst of a busy work week It's still possible to give them a way to experience the celebration.

With the help of powerful hybrid platforms for events, you can easily record your event and give your members access to it. That way, they can rewatch the event on their own timing.

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11 ways to make stunning hybrid events

We've now gone through the reasons why hybrid events can be beneficial, let's go through how to actually make one!

1. Choose your preferred mix

The initial decision to take is to blend both the online and in-person aspects. Each event great on its own, yet mix it together, giving everyone the best experience. For example, you can successfully combine both in-person and virtual participants during breaks. At the start of the event it is possible to have all attendees (virtual or in-person) participate in a poll.

It's also important to be thinking about ways that virtual participants are able to connect, for example, an in-person keynote speaker once they've delivered an event.

Facilitate engagement and connection for all. You don't want anyone feeling as if they received the shorter part of the stick or feeling like the event wasn't meeting their requirements.

2. Use virtual to promote in-person

If you're looking to spread the word about your event, you'll need to make it a point to announce it. Why not use your virtual web presence to not only promote aspects of your online event , but also the physical aspect? Make use of social media to your advantage. Create content about the event using pictures, words or even videos for promotion reasons. Utilize social media, or start your own blog or YouTube channel to publish your thoughts to build your audience, and advertise your event to the maximum number of people you are able to.

No matter if your marketing a program , an eBook, a webinar or an event, if people like you and your perspective are more likely to purchase what they're being sold to.

However, aren't required to invest all your time and energy on social media or have millions (or perhaps thousands) of followers to market your hybrid event. It doesn't require an illustrious celebrity such as Oprah to gain traction. It's enough to create an image and then get your followers amped up!

Another option to advertise via the web is by creating an online community. It's a great feeling to be a part of a community as people are wired to being social creatures who crave connections.

Communities are about the pleasure of purpose, motivation, and the energy feeling part of something greater than you and working towards an end goal that is common to all, developing skills and getting better, and a safe place where people can feel vulnerable, face challenges, and come up with solutions. Communities can be a fantastic place to promote the hybrid event you are planning because people trust them (plus they're your primary supporter who is thrilled about the services you've got to offer ).

3. Bring your live members virtual

Did you remember how we discussed blending the in-person aspect with online interaction? Now is the moment to consider the ways you can keep the members of your organization online.

Maybe in between speakers, you get your in-person guests to take questions on live-streamed polling platforms (e.g. Slido). You can use questions as an icebreaker (getting everybody warmed-up for the occasion) You can also present them using several fun games throughout the event or gather feedback at the end of the event. The goal is to create an atmosphere of conversation and engagement between the audience and yourself.

While the event is taking place, it is possible to connect attendees who are in the area to chat online. That way, they can talk about their experiences, interact with each other and the online attendees and also ask any questions they might have in the chat.

You can, of course, organize your event to be held online. It is possible that some guest speakers are unable to make it to the event in person, and instead present online -- you can do an presenter, interview, lecture as well as more, all via the internet!

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4. Bring your virtual members live

As you would like to get your in-person attendees on the internet, you'll want to reverse the process -- get your virtual members live. It's not about getting them to meet in person (because it would be counterproductive to the purpose) However, you should get them to engage by engaging in live-streamed content, to make them feel as if they're part of the conversation!

How? Use live streaming to your advantage no matter if it's used in the context of main stage events, such as speeches, keynotes or talks given by someone recognizable. The livestreaming option can be employed for small-scale events, like online workshops, discussions breaks, breakout sessions and webinars.

As with your in-person attendees Virtual attendees are able to also answer engaging questions live in Q&A sessions that provide the chance to expand discussions and exchange ideas. When you're an event planner, it's also important to ensure that virtual attendees' questions are given as much weight and attention throughout the meeting as the questions of in-person guests.

You might consider having an emcee, or host for your virtual audience who can recap important events and inform virtual viewers to what's coming up next. You can even record and broadcast the excitement in person so that people who attend online feel like that they're there.

5. Find plenty of networking space

Allow virtual attendees the opportunity to connect to keynote speakers, by making sure that there is enough time for your speakers' agendas for them to connect with the audience.

It is worth considering securing time at the beginning of the day (and perhaps add the time following) reserved to network. For this, consider having dedicated spaces (both on the ground and via on the internet) to facilitate networking. It is possible to ask participants to enter their name and job title, their accounts on social media, as well as something interesting about themselves into an online chat in order to create connections.

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6. Create discussion questions in the community

Speaking of having dedicated spaces in which members of both online and live can meet, a fantastic space to do this is within your online community! It's great for everyone, no matter if they're in their home, or in person.

Below are some fun questions you can ask your guests:


  • What's the challenge that you're currently dealing with?        
  • What's an incredible outcome for you?        
  • What's the one word topic in 2022?        
  • What motivates you the most?        
  • If you could wave an enchanted wand to add one extra hour to your day, what would you do with it?        
  • What's the most stunning spot you've visited?        
  • What accomplishment are you most happy about?        

Based on the interests of members, You can also establish different subgroups of your online community. You can also use different kinds of content to attract members in these groups, for example:


  • Polls (e.g. "What  percentage of your time do you devote to being organized and reviewing your goals ?")    
  • Fill-in-the-blank questions (e.g. "The reason why I do networking is to_," or "I never quit my house with _ ")    
  • You can ask questions using word limit (e.g. "What's the first word you wish people to remember as they look at your company's ?")    
  • Make sure to ask questions that are time-bound (e.g. "Based on what you learned from today's event, what's one thing you'll implement this week?")    

The most important thing to do here is to create questions that can make your audience think and stay engaged.

It is possible to download this guide to 1,000 discussion questions at no cost on our Mighty Community!

1000 questions guide

7. Keep the spirit alive following

Once the event has ended the event is over, but you'll be able to retain the energy! The enthusiasm, the information sharing, the enthusiasm and the enjoyment can continue running. There's plenty you can do to maintain a thriving community.

Here are a few examples to help keep the momentum going:


  • Organise a Member Spotlight event -- this could be by way of a live interview of a few participants (panel discussions). In the case of a group of coaches, you could ask them, "What's the most effective way to attract new clients ?"    
  • Have members write about their experiences -- invite members each week to write about themselves and the things they have accomplished. Of course, your members love hearing from you, however, they'll also want hearing stories from one another.      
  • Create an event live It could be an event, a demonstration, webinar, workshop or even thought of leadership.        
  • Offer a weekly challenge.        
  • Host a book or podcast day of discussion related to your community's interests.        

One benefit of maintaining the buzz is that you get to generate excitement ahead of your next virtual or hybrid event!

8. Offer more options for content

A different way of keeping your members interested is to give them different types of content. Since attendees are already familiar with your company, it will be that much easier to offer them additional services and products down the line.

These are some examples of what you can cost for:


  • Members (great option to build community and create the ability where members can interact with each other)      
  • Recorded videos        
  • Livestreams        
  • Boards of discussion, posts as well as surveys, polls and discussions        
  • Digital downloads (PDFs, ebooks, audio files, customizable templates)      

Additionally, you can expand your hybrid event into mastermind groups online, online courses or mastermind groups. The recordings can be used to create events (e.g. speakers) or recordings of the tales and experiences of other attendees as well and turn it into valuable content that you can charge separately for.

There's an array of options in showcasing your content as well as charging for it. You can even offer members who have attended your event the chance to save money for an online course or an ebook. Remember, it's a marathon, not an event that is a sprint. When you know more about your members, you can make the content more specific specifically for them.

9. Determine your technology needs

The event you are planning is to go without any issues. That means you need to make sure that the technical side of things in order (like audio and video streaming ).

Here's a list points to be considered:


  • Audio recording: make sure that your recording of audio is crystal clear. You also need your video and audio recordings to sync up.    
  • Mics Your attendees don't want to be straining to listen to what they're hearing, so make sure you've got the right microphones that are wired (whether they're on their own or connected).      
  • Quality of video: make sure you use devices that have high resolution. Don't settle for poor video quality that's hard to discern while stream recording and streaming for your attendees.    
  • Apps for engagement (e.g. Slido) ensure that you include simple apps (this is crucial for those who may not be tech-savvy) that have rich interaction and features for engagement.    
  • App for community (e.g. ) make sure that you've created the space for your community that people can interact with one another, tell their experiences, and connect (before, during, and after the event).    
  • Ticketing: to track sign-ups using a registration software or ticketing program. The software will ensure that the information is in one spot.    

10. Test testing Test, test

When you've figured out the tech equipment and applications that you require for your event It's now time to try them out! The last thing you want to happen at your event is something (on the technical side) going wrong that could have been easily avoided.

We suggest that you do a trial run of your hybrid event a few days in advance to be sure all is in order and to give you confidence. Two test participants one online as well as a person. This way, you can be certain the video quality is up to the standards you expect, that the PowerPoint presentation you created actually works, attendees can easily connect to any application, and the audio quality is crisp -- you aren't looking for speakers that sound obscured, or even worse, not audible.

Whatever equipment you're using be sure that both you and your guests feel comfortable using it. That way, if anything goes wrong at the time of the occasion, it's easy to troubleshoot. Because you'll be pulled in multiple directions throughout this event that is hybrid it's a good idea to consider enlisting help -- whether from friends or professionals (e.g.  videographer) to ensure that everything runs without a hitch and allow you to focus on what matters most ... your guests.

11. Choose your platform

The next thing to do is choose the platform you'll use. Let's look at 4 options quick.

It is a complete platform for creators that offers an extensive set of native features and tools to create appealing content. It offers great online course choices that seamlessly integrate with community-based communities, paid memberships as well as hybrid and virtual events.


Here are some other benefits to choosing for your hybrid event


  • Make simple-to-use RSVP announcements.        
  • Create interactive discussions boards, polls as well as Q&As.        
  • Articles and live stream live from Your Mighty Network, and post recorded videos.        
  • Deliver direct messages to attendees and set up reminders to ensure that no one is missing anything.        
  • Accessibility is always possible with a robust native mobile application (available on Android and iOS). It is ideal for people engaging with the app either for a complement to an live experience, or for their primary method to engage in a complete virtual environment, there will not ever be any issues in the high-quality.      

A Mighty Network offers the best of both worlds , combining content and connections for your hybrid event with the possibility of expanding the event into a vibrant community site, membership website or online classes as well as much more!

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Accelevents is an event platform featuring robust functions where it is possible to host hybrid events. It's a reasonably priced solution (their basic package for one-time events is $500 per event, or you can buy unlimited events for $125/month and bill annually) aimed at mid-to-large-sized companies.

Accelevents enables businesses to incorporate live streaming, include immersive live polling as well as Q&As. It also lets you create interactive expo booths -great for auctions.

Even though this technology advertises its capacity to create connections between participants using fancy features like AI-based matching however, there's no way for attendees to stay connected after the event ends.


Although this hybrid event platform was developed recently It's an excellent option for the new and/or price-conscious planner who would like to offer an upscale event experience. Hopin allows Hopin, organizers can create various ticket types, utilize Hopin's central registration system for both in-person and online attendees, as well as take advantage of their marketing tools via email. Hopin offers plenty of opportunities for attendees to interact during the event (connection discovery tool, virtual roundtables break-out sessions for groups, and much more). ).

Hopin will attempt to replicate the feel of an in-person occasion, which means it's lacking many of the elements that make the virtual experience distinctive. While the platform is affordable, they do have to pay a part of commissions for tickets (even on their "starter" package, they charge 7percent commission, in addition to charging $99 per month billed annually ).

If you want to try hosting events that are hybrid, they offer a free trial (although you should note that the length of the event is only up to two hours, you get 100 registrants as well as 15% of the ticket sales).


vFairs is a fairly robust hybrid event platform that is designed for universities and large companies for hosting workshops, conferences as well as trade fairs and more. It allows you to live stream live footage from event sessions to your online crowd, offers immersive virtual venues, and allows you to link in-person and online participants via text messaging as well as audio/video conferences. vFairs offers a mobile app where attendees can sign-in for the event, connect with other attendees, as well as engage with exhibitor booths.

What vFairs is lacking is in their user experience. Users report that this platform has limited flexibility for customization and integrations aren't as seamless.

In the end the hybrid platform can be useful for companies with a large number of employees.

Hybrid event examples

Now that we've covered all the aspects of running a hybrid event Let's look at a few examples! Both of these examples originally focused on events in person prior to the outbreak and then shifted to online-based occasions during, and are now providing a hybrid event.

The Wild Hub

The Outwild Hub is a group with a paid membership and the event series designed for those looking to make outdoor a more integral part of their life. The Outwild Hub has an online community and virtual and in-person events.


  • What they offer: The Outwild Hub members get access to the Outwild Hub online community, as well as monthly speakers, a workshop series, and early access to events in person. The Outwild Hub also hosts online activities (community gatherings and workshops, as well as keynote speeches). They effortlessly connect events in person online by offering recording of the event.    
  • People who should be a part of it: Anyone interested in spending more time outdoors, however, they aren't sure of what to do. This is for people who wish to make big shifts in their lifestyle. This community even helps people who moved during the pandemic to make new friends and spend time outdoors together.    

In the Cut

The Cut is an organization for BIPOC designers who are looking to break into the television and film industries (just as the host, Rae Benjamin, had gone from full-time graphic designer , to becoming a script coordinator for "The The Witcher").

What they provide: A Free online community for aspiring screenwriters can network and learn about opportunities or mentorship opportunities and receive advice and tips for filmmaking. The site is a place where artists come together to make virtual mock writers' rooms. It also offers users to have lifetime access to webinar replays (for an additional fee), online courses, as well as in-person writing retreats.
Who should be a part of: BIPOC creatives who want to be a screenwriter in Hollywood. Those who have been able to find entry-level employment but are not sure how to make the transition to a better paying career. The events are authentic and free of censorship to aid in understanding the industry of entertainment.


Hope you're inspired and ready to run an event with a hybrid that works after you've learned the advantages of events that are hybrid as well as how to run one, and the things you'll require to be successful.

Speaking of what you need ... although we have covered a variety of platform for events, it is the best choice for balancing price, flexibility, and features for in-person and virtual attendees. You can try it at no cost!

Start building your event community today!

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