7 ELearning Traps to Avoid -

Anyone who sets out to create an elearning course does so with the best intentions.
They want the course to be fun as well as effective.
However, this doesn't always occur.
It is likely that at some point you have been through a negative experience when it comes to e-learning.
Sometimes it is because the course lacks interactions, and sometimes it is due to the excessive number of "bells and whistles" on the course.
The point is that it is easy to go wrong in the process of creating a course.
It's good to know that there are things you can do to help ensure that your course isn't impacted by similar problems.
Here are some common "traps" to avoid at all costs, starting at...
too much text Text that is divided into paragraphs is not a good idea. When possible break up big chunks of text using pictures, bullet points, symbols, and charts.
pointless Animation - The fact that you are able to create something that moves on screen does not mean that it should be moving. It could be distracting.
Random Gamification The utilization of points and badges to encourage learners through course content has shown to be effective however, only when it is used in a proper manner. Unintentional badges and rewards appearing on the screen with no background information about their purpose falls into the realm of distracting.
Courses are Too Long Courses are too long Rarely have I found people who like taking online course for more than an hour. If you have more than an hour worth of material in your course divide it up into "Part 1" along with "Part 2".