5 steps to writing sales emails which are effective and convert (+ Templates) |

May 31, 2022

Your email list is growing. Now how do you turn these subscribers into clients? Begin writing more effective sales emails using this guide of five steps (plus templates).

Even though your email lists are growing, your sales numbers are flat.

What can a creator do?

It's time to revamp your strategy for marketing via email.

This doesn't mean that you must start spamming your subscribers with pushy sales pitches. It's not a good idea the sending of cold emails to people who haven't subscribed to your list.

Instead, concentrate on writing and sending nurture emails to establish a relationship with buyers who are interested in your services.

In this piece, we'll give you five tips for creating marketing emails that will turn your subscribers into loyal customers who are eager to buy the products you sell.

What makes nurture emails such a potent marketing instrument?

It's one of the most inexpensive and adaptable marketing tools that are available, especially if you're a small enterprise owner with a small budget.

The ROI of email marketing is in the range of $42 for every $1 spent .

59 per cent of marketers use emails as their primary source of returns on investment (ROI).

Email is the driver behind 74 percent more conversions than social media.

Not all sales messages are created to be the same. Emailing a cold lead who never signed up for your list of email addresses will more likely land you in your spam folder instead of resulting in a sales.

51% of consumers who mark an email as spam do it because they didn't know they were supposed to subscribe in the first place.

If you're a creative entrepreneur running a small business, you don't have sales personnel who make calls to customers or spend hours prospecting for leads.

A marketing funnel maps the path a prospective customer (or "lead") is on starting with your company until they purchase. Where a lead is in the funnel will depend on the degree of familiarity they have with the company's brand, and also the degree of their proximity to buying.

When they are in the process of considering buyers are doing research and comparing a handful of options. They are aware of what their issue is, and they know there are a myriad of solutions there to solve it.

Your job is to make them realize how your products are the best alternative. That's where nurture emails come into play. Marketing through email can be the most efficient channel to run lead nurturing campaigns.

And in a world where 80percent of all new leads do not convert into sales, top-quality sales messages can be the difference between growing revenues and a dwindling profit. Nurtured leads can make more purchases, which is 47% higher over leads that are not nurtured.

So, how can you craft sales messages which nurture leads, and also drive sales?

Find out more here.

5 steps for writing a high-converting sales email

One quick note before we dive in: We include a few templates in the following guide. Those templates are meant as a jumping-off point, but make sure to customize them to fit your branding, tone of voice and customers.

Step 1: Segment your email list

Segmentation is the process of dividing your email subscribers into segments (or segments) according to a set of standards.

Those criteria might include their interests, pain points or past behaviour, their location they're in the process of selling along with many more.

If, for instance, a lead signs up for the New Aspect Coaching's free seminar on changing careers  The its creator Lisa Downs knows that lead could be a good prospect for her paid seminars related to the same subject. Lisa could offer them a set of emails to encourage them to enroll.

It is also possible to create a segmentation of your mailing list according to where the lead falls in the funnel of marketing.

As we talked about earlier, anyone who is in the process of considering a product realizes that there is a way to address their issues, but they still need to learn about your product.

By segmenting your leads, you can gain important information about the lead's pain points and where they are in the buying process.

With that info in hand, you can write an effective sales message that will build their confidence in your expertise and products -- like the following email template

"Hi" [first name],

Do you have any experience of struggling with [problem]?

That is, in a way that makes you feel [emotion].

If you're so, then you're certainly not the only one.

Here's the fix:

      [Step 1]      

      [Step 2]      

      [Step 3]      

Sure, there's a little additional information and not all that much.

It's that simple.

Hallelujah for the simplicity of methods.

If you want to learn more, just head over to our link resources page.

      [signature]                                              Copy and paste to clipboard

Starting with the opening sentence of this email, you ensure that your customers feel heard. It's the first step to building an authentic customer relationship.

Now that you've segmented your mailing list, it's time to start creating a killer sales email.

Step 2: Create an attention-grabbing subject line

It's possible that you have the most effective email marketing copy, selling the most incredible product in the world, but if your subscribers do not open your emails, you're not doing anything.

Subject lines are such a vital component of email marketing.

47 percent of people who receive emails are open to emails only on the subject line and a shocking 69 percent of people who receive emails report email as spam judging solely by their subject lines.

Plus, over 300 billion emails are delivered every throughout the day. Make your sales email be noticed in the inbox with an appealing subject line that your target audience cannot be able to resist.

Here are some ideas on how to create a subject that piques readers' interest:

Personalized email messages drives the highest open rates. Make your subject lines more personal with your recipient's first name. This will increase the per-click rate by approximately 22.2 percent.

Shoot for a length of 6 to 10 phrases .

If the subject line is in keeping with your company's include an emoji or two. It could result in a five-fold increase in open rate than a subject line without emoji.

Subject lines that include the number could earn 1.3 percentage higher opening rate than average emails.

I run all of my subject lines through the the Send Check It tool before I send a marketing email. Send Check It scores your subject line based upon a variety of factors. It also gives suggestions to help you get more views.

Once you have an attention-grabbing message, it's now time to begin writing the body of the email.

Step 3: Craft persuasive email copy

It's important to understand that persuasive doesn't have to mean pushy and salesy.

Though just 17% of salespeople consider themselves to be pushing, 50% of prospective customers say otherwise.

In order to prevent your emails for nurturing not sounding like marketing pitch, be sure that each message that is sent out has a specific purpose.

Have a look at this sales email campaign:

Email 1.Introduce yourself within the first line. This is the first email you send to convince your readers to start thinking about the challenge you're hoping solve for your readers.

Email 2.Now you know that your potential client is thinking about the issue and has some ideas, you can share them for them so that they can begin the process of finding a solution.

Email 3.It's time to introduce your course. Outline what your course offers and why it could be the perfect solution to their needs.

E-mail 4You've made your first pitch, but your potential customer might still have some doubts. Send this follow-up message to answer some of the crucial questions that they could be asking about your program.

5. Email:Make one final pitch. Tell them why they must do something now and invite them to contact you with any questions.

When we reach emails four and five and five, your lead is at the stage of decision making, and the hard sell doesn't happen until the fifth and final email. You want to gently guide your prospect towards converting  rather than shoving them into the middle of the ocean.

For you to see what I mean I've created a template for the 4th email in the series:

Hi [First NameHi [first name,

Yesterday, I informed you about my new course, [course's titlecourse title.

This morning, I'm planning to discuss a couple of questions I've received regarding the program, to help you to decide if the course is right for you.

      [Question 1]      

      [Answer 1]      

      [Question 2]      

      [Answer 2]      

      [Question 3]      

      [Answer 3]      

Do you have any concerns that weren't answered here? Contact me via this email and tell me about it.

Are you ready to join?


Hope to see you in the course.


      [Your name]                                              Copy and paste to clipboard

What makes that fourth email the most effective?

FAQs are among the most efficient ways to answer the objections of your clients in your email copy. The best sales professionals employ objection handling techniques to convince customers and establish a connection.

According to HubSpot according to HubSpot, the most frequent objections are:

Insufficient budget:"This is too expensive."

Incredibility:"I've never heard of the person or company behind this. What can I do to determine whether it's genuine?"

Need not:"Do I really need this? I don't see how this could assist me."

Insufficiency of urgency:"This isn't a priority for me at the moment."

In order to overcome the objections it is essential to convey your experience and products' value proposition crystal clear in your email copy. If, for instance, the main objection is insecurity, include social proof in order to increase your credibility.

If leads are impressed by the way people make their purchases and get the results of your product, they'll want to get in on the action. 72% of consumers say that positive testimonials help them believe in a company more.

The body of an email that is well-written can influence your recipients to act, however it's even more powerful when you have a strong CTA.

Step 4: Add an irresistible appeal to action (CTA)

Our 4th step is simple and simple -- just like a fantastic CTA.

A clear call-to-action tells readers what you'd like readers to take action after reviewing the email. In conjunction with the convincing text you composed in the third step the CTA provides readers with the additional motivation they'll need to take action.

It might be tempting to get your readers to do a lot -- follow your social media accounts and sign up to your next webinar, purchase the latest book -- insofar as you get their interest.

Beware of that urge. According to The Law of Hick  which states that the more choices you offer someone more options, the longer it will take for them to select one. And they may not make an informed choice at all.

Help potential customers avoid analysis paralysis and help them make a better purchase by sticking to one CTA.

These are three suggestions for writing an CTA that readers can't help to click on:

1. Utilize action-oriented texts. Avoid the usual CTAs like "click here," "submit," or "learn more". Instead, use appealing and actionable language that makes readers want to click, like Trello does with the CTA "Grow Your Team" in this instance.

2. Be concise. There is no need for an extended sentence to make the punch. Try to keep your CTA under six phrases.

3. Create urgency. 60% of customers make purchases because of the worry of missing out (FOMO) as well as 48% believe that special offers would encourage buyers buy more quickly. Make it clear that you have a limited duration or accessibility with your CTA.

As an example, Tori from Her First $100K makes use of the CTA "Save the seat," to encourage subscribers to register for her workshop, which is free.

Once you have your CTA set up, no will blame you if you think all you have to do is double-check your email signature, then send the email to yourself, and then call for the work done.

However, the truth is a bit more complex than that. Your email might be sitting within your subscribers' email mailboxes, but you're still far from being done yet.

5. Experiment, and iterate

The final stage will be more of a continuous process than a single task: Experimenting with the emails you have and re-evaluating them.

As an example, you may gain a lot of knowledge from your email open rate. Open rate measures the amount of people who read an email.

The open rate average is 19.84 percent across all sectors . If your open rates aren't up to par, your subject line might be at fault. Test A/B testing various subjects to determine what makes your audience want to click on your emails.

A/B tests includes changing the various components of your email messages -- in this case, subject lines -- one at a time before evaluating how those adjustments impact the performance of your email.

70% of professional marketers say they are testing messaging and subject lines the most frequently.

In order to test the A/B option, send half of your subscribers an original email, and the other half the email with the modified variable.

For example, when you A/B-test different subject lines, your subscribers receive identical messages, with the exception of the subject line. Through comparing open rates you can determine what subject lines perform more effectively.

You could also test out several CTAs and see which will result in the highest converts. The possibilities for A/B testing are almost limitless.

The bottom line is:

The more data you collect by A/B-testing The more data you collect, the more effectively you improve the effectiveness of your sales email. Plus, the more people enjoy your emails, more likely are they to convert into customers.

Turn email subscribers into loyal customers

It is not necessary to perform cold outreach, set up complicated customer relationship management (CRM) software or employ a sales team to convert leads into customers.

Just need to create the ideal nurture program for your company and your clients.

To recap, here are five guidelines for writing effective sales emails that turn readers into customers:

Segment your email list. Segmentation allows you to create an individual customer experience, and deliver the appropriate messages to the correct people.

Write an attention-grabbing subject line. An effective subject line will increase your open rate.

Write persuasive email content but without appearing too pushy. Be sure that each email you send in the nurture sequence serves an important role in bringing you to the sale.

Use a CTA the readers will be able to resist. The best CTAs are action-oriented, concise, and create a sense of urgency.

Test, test, and test some more. Be open to experimenting using different topics and messages to determine what resonates with your audience.

If you keep these ideas to keep in mind, and several templates under your belt -- you're now ready to nurture your prospects and increasing the sales. Happy emailing!