14 Membership Retention Strategies to reduce the number of members who leave in 2023

Jun 10, 2023

In a world that costs for acquisition are increasing higher and higher, maintaining customers just as important as making new ones. It's the reason why numerous creators are particularly focused on strategies to keep clients.

If executed correctly, if you follow the right steps A well-designed program for retention of members can bring enormous benefits for your company. Your customers will be kept your customers longer and for more of their lives, which will increase your revenue and the life-time value of your clients. In addition, you'll have the ability access the views and thoughts of your people who use your services, which will help to improve your branding in the near future.

Let go of the rotating door of members and hello to a committed, lively membership group that is an integral factor in the success of your membership website. Let's get started and make this year an excellent year for keeping members!

Why is membership Retention important?

Membership retention is crucial for the performance of every business founded on participation. There are a variety of aspects to take into consideration:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Retaining existing members can be more economical as compared to acquiring new members, because the revenue that is recurring by loyal customers is more than the time and effort required to attract one-time customers. Based on Harvard Business School just a 5% increase in retention of members can result in a 25-95 percent rise in profits
  • Potential for referrals: Research conducted by Bain and Company shows that an individual who has bought multiple items will be more likely to suggest another customer. When you concentrate on maintaining your existing customers and leveraging their influence and transform them into brand ambassadors, it could result in organic growth by recommendations from word of mouth.
  • Financial stability: Constant churn can make a website for membership financial unstable. On average, it takes about 6-7 times the amount for a new member than it costs to hold the existing member. By implementing effective retention strategies will allow you to reduce turnover among members and guarantee an ongoing income stream that will make it easier to invest in growth strategies.

14 Member Retention Strategies to Increase the Retention of Members

Here are 14 ways to retain your members. techniques you can try on your website's members right now:

  1.       Create a stellar onboarding experience
  2.       Make a library with useful resources and engaging material
  3.       Give exclusive perks and benefits
  4.       Challenge members to participate to encourage member participation
  5.       Create a membership calendar for upcoming events
  6.       Flexibility is a feature of your involvement
  7.       Give options for long-term commitments
  8.       Utilize the correct hosting platform for your site for membership
  9.       Connect with churning members
  10.       Note down the things you've accomplished
  11.       Create a limited membership level
  12.       Member success stories
  13.       Renew your memberships or recognize your participants
  14.       Be present!
membership retention strategies

     1. Create a stellar onboarding experience

The first step to ensure the highest retention rates is to provide the highest quality member experience. An organized and clear onboarding procedure is crucial for new members to be aware of how your contents will help them and how they can benefit from the services you provide. You should consider providing clear instructions regarding the time, method, and where they can use the benefits of membership that your company offers. Without proper guidance, members might feel like they're left to their own devices, leading to a feeling of uncertainty as well as the potential to decide to quit your membership, and feel like it wasn't worthwhile for them.

One of the main elements of delivering a fantastic customer experience especially for customers who are new is creating an email drip campaign with an email to welcome them.

After a person joins When a new member joins, send an individual welcome text or email message that conveys your appreciation and provides information about what new people can anticipate from their members. Let them know they are appreciated and motivated to become a member of the community.

To be clear, we're not recommending you to mail out email messages by hand to your newly added members individually. Instead, you can use an email marketing tool for setting up an automated drip email campaign. Develop a set of customized emails that guide new members through your website, including crucial features such as the array of materials and upcoming event. Involve them right away by urging users to post comments on posts about membership and to become part of the community online. Automation will take care of the task while you create a great user experience.

     2. Build a library of books and other interesting material

If new members sign up to on the site specifically for members, they anticipate immediate access to relevant documents and other information. A library that is already in place makes sure that you are able to meet your members' expectations right starting from the very beginning, so there is a higher chance of being able to retain members for the duration of years. It shows that you are committed to offer a great experience and helps new members to feel like their investment in the library is worth it.

If new members are able access the library resources immediately, they're more likely to interact with the material, engage in discussions, and be a part of the larger community. It creates a sense of belonging and inspires them to maintain with their involvement throughout the years.

These platforms let users to create unique and engaging members' content in a variety of formats, including video, text, attachments, survey, polls and others! Users will also be able to interact with your posts via commenting and likes, thus encouraging users to share your material.

     3. Benefits and perks that are exclusive to you.

Who doesn't love deals? Think about sending exclusive benefits like discounts, early access or special offers as part of your membership retention plan. However, they can aid in the attraction of new members while satisfying your existing ones. This is what we describe as a win-win.

If you're using it, you'll be able to sell diverse other digital items such as ebooks and digital downloads (e.g. eBooks) and online coaching courses and other services and be in a position to provide specials and discounts on your merchandise directly through the platform. This will help you provide more value and encourage people to come to return for even more.

     4. Create challenges for members to boost the engagement by members

membership challenges

The concept of regularly launching challenges for members can really help with your long-term retention plans and also increase the number of new users who join your website. The challenges provide an organized and engaging experience for your users and will motivate them to take part within your website. When they set goals, complete assignments, or taking part in group activities, participants get more involved and inspired to take action that can result in increased engagement.

Challenges for members can assist in keeping members by providing ongoing benefit and a feeling of growth. Challenges provide fresh and engaging information that keeps members engaged and involved in the site over a longer period of time. If members are motivated to continue engaging on the website as they do, they're more likely to renew their membership.

Consider challenges that are related to your industry and area you work in, like a drawing competition for an art website, a 30-day mindfulness challenge for a health and wellbeing website, or a 7-day organizing task to clear your home or site for organizing.

Bonus points for inviting members to share their challenges on social media sites, since this will let you make use of their social networks to attract new members who might be keen to sign up with your site!

     5. Make a membership calendar to mark forthcoming occasions

The membership calendar acts as a centralized way to communicate important dates to members. It gives a concise and well-organized summary of events happening within the membership community. It also ensures that members are informed and up-to-date on upcoming events, deadlines or webinars, seminars, and any other planned actions.

It can give your members an understanding of the structure and also a plan on what is expected. This also promotes frequent interaction and participation, which could result in a lively and engaging membership experience. There is a higher likelihood to remain committed to your customers when they are able to take part in a range of events and events planned in advance, since they will continue to enjoy benefits from participating in the community. It keeps the membership site current and shows a dedication to provide a rich and exciting social experience for the community.

From an administrative perspective From a business perspective From a business perspective, having a membership calendar helps keep you organized and simplify your planning process. This allows you to plan and schedule events in advance, organize resources and assign time and energy accordingly.

     6. Incorporate flexibility into your member management

An effective way to retain members is to be flexible for customers. Offer them several ways to achieve the exact same goal, like different payment methods along with membership levels. This shows you're interested in the overall satisfaction of your customers, not just the making money. This is an attitude that every customer can enjoy.

Consider letting them make payments for memberships by smaller installments as well as think about extending the discount so that they can stay. With , you can easily provide a range of options to pay dues for membership, including one-time charges, recurring fees or payment plans, as well as several more. It is also possible to offer discount coupons with limits on duration.

     7. Offer options to make a long-term commitment

Although monthly subscriptions can be flexible, they can result in greater rate of churn. By offering longer-term options such as annual or quarterly subscriptions, you not only motivate members to make greater commitments, but you also give them extra advantages. These commitments typically offer benefits, such as reduced rates or special perks that improve your experience as an enrolled member. The idea is to encourage customers to stay with their membership for a longer period, which encourages loyalty and reducing the risk of getting churned.

     8. You must select the most appropriate membership platform for the hosting of your own membership website

A good platform for participation is vital to the successful operation of a membership-based site. It improves user satisfaction and also facilitates the management of content. It simplifying membership management ensures security of payments, and offers the ability to scale and customize options that permit seamless integration with different tools. The choice of a system that's suitable for your needs will increase member satisfaction, engagement, and retention. This ultimately adds to the longevity of your membership website.

We suggest that you sign up for it, as it's completely cost-free and has effective solutions that will help build and expand your membership business.

These are the most important features to consider when you create your membership site by using :

  • Unlimited, forever-free plan
  • Unlimited members and different membership levels
  • Let members choose several time periods (weekly or even monthly to be a member for life) to be able to afford membership fees.
  • Make content that can be customized according to member level in order in order to offer a specific benefit to all members
  • Ensure a fast, secure smooth checkout for easy membership purchases
  • Utilize powerful features for creating articles, such as scheduled posts, live previews and rich media features
  • Engage members through comment and shares for a more interactive community participation
  • Design highly-converting landing pages that promote your membership website without difficulties with technology
  • Give free trial opportunities or other first-time charges to encourage members to sign up
  • Find a hosted domain at no cost from  just a click, or simply join any domain you want into your account
  • Get valuable insight through using Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel to collect customer information

Register for a free account on There is no payment information necessary. It is possible to explore the site to see whether it's the right fit for you

Also, check our article about how to set up a membership website for a more thorough step-by-step instructions.


Join the over 130,000 sellers who have launched their businesses online using

     9. Contact churning members

It's not possible to stop a user to log off from your site. This is the nature of game. So, the idea of retention should be more proactive in order to determine the reason why employees leave. This can provide useful insights on ways to enhance the experiences of your colleagues. Maybe, in the process perhaps you can be able convince them to remain in the room after an engaging conversation!

In the example above, if those who are constantly churning say they feel the the cost of membership is excessive, maybe some members have the same opinion but aren't able to communicate their views to you. If they report the website is having issues, it is possible to fix the glitches. If your service doesn't have enough power it is possible to improve and expand your choices. There's always room to improve because your customers can be the most reliable source of details.

     10. Take notes on the things you've done!

membership data analytics

The collection of important information about the things you've accomplished to your site's users is a great way to determine the factors of your website's actions, content or activities that impressed users. It helps you determine the strategies that are successful for retaining and engaging members. This will allow you to have the chance of replicating those success for the next round of members. Here are some tips to collect valuable information from existing members:

  • Keep track of member activity on your website, which comprises content consumption, participation in forums and related actions. These statistics will assist you identify patterns and identify which elements of your website are most popular with your members.
  • On a regular basis, request for feedback from your clients via surveys, polls or through feedback questionnaires. Discover the opinions of those who use your services and the things they value as well as the areas for improvements. Feedback from direct participants can offer valuable insight on what's working and how you can improve it.
  • Conduct A/B testing through the creation of different variations of your site or your membership options to test the performance. This allows you to experiment and gather data on the things that resonate better with customers, and could lead to higher engagement or conversions.

Keep in mind that collecting data should be an ongoing process. Make sure you review and assess your data for a better understanding of your choices and constantly improve your membership website to achieve more effective performance.

     11. Participate in recruitment for members

It's important for your existing members to know that the members' site is continuously growing by including new members. New members increases the appeal and value of the membership site. When members who are members notice new members join they are prompted to join and be part of the community. This proves to the public that the website is useful and beneficial, which strengthens their commitment and loyalty.

While it is important to keep those who are already members Don't forget to seek out new members for your site through various recruitment as well as marketing efforts. Be aware that choosing the correct platform to offer members could make or break the process of recruiting members.

     12. Share member success stories

Social proof is an important way to make many more members to be aware of the advantages offered through your membership website. An excellent example of social proof could be discovered in the successes of members which highlight the ways that you helped your members achieve a goal or make improvements in some way.

The content can be shared in various formats like video or quotes on the homepage of your site or on an "Member success Stories" page. They can also be posted as downloadable content such as cases studies, and in eBooks or in text and video postings on social media platforms.

     13. Celebrate renewals/acknowledge your loyal members

Recognizing and praising your members is a great way that will make them feel if they are an integral part of the community to the which they live. You can do this by just sending them a text message or an email that tells them you cherish your customers. You can also take it a step further and offer discounts and unique gifts as a way to express your gratitude. birthdays, anniversaries and renewals are a great moment to celebrate these.

     14. Check that you're present!

membership retention ideas

One common mistake the creators make with respect to membership retention is not taking care of their website after setting it up. Members join the website due to their connection with the site's creator. In the event that the creator is absent from the site, that relationship dwindles away. If you are active in engaging your members and consistently offering support to them and helping them, you can persuade your members to continue being part of your group.

Final Thoughts - Membership Retention Strategies to Think About today!

Implementing strategies for increasing retention could take some amount of time and effort, however it's important to remember that recruiting new members is costlier than keeping current members. We hope we've given you a great guide to cost-effective and economical ways to enhance your membership experience to try today! Reputation built on high retention rates is a testament to the quality of your community and draws new members that want to participate in the exceptional system for membership. The process of retaining members is an art that demands dedication, effort and perseverance, however, it is worth the effort. Begin developing your membership site now!

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