10 facts about video marketing that you must know as a filmmaker [Infographic»

Jul 4, 2024

If you are considering creating video content, get this informationgraphic that lists the top 10 most watched videos related to marketing facts you need to know for the smaller business you run.

You're working to create an original video to promote your company, and you're eager to go through your video script.

It's still amazing.

When you bend toward the button for recording Your finger stops in mid-air.

You suddenly realize you're dealing with imposter's syndrome when an array of issues occupy your mind:

Do I need to change the introduction?

Should I hold off until I have more material to create before I record this one?

What do you think of the background design?

How do I look?

As you begin your quest to end procrastination must know why you considered videos in the first place.

At least, there are 10 factors to take into consideration at all times. For you to decide if you are ready to take on the task of creating videos here are ten video marketing stats that you should know about as a creator -- in visual and textual format.

Let's start by looking at the graph. If you're interested in learning more, dive down to the end of the page to find details about what these stats are.

Infographic about the most crucial data on video marketing

#1. Social media marketing via video can help increase ROI

Statistics on video marketing: 91% of marketers are pleased with the investment return in video content that is shared through social networks. ( Animoto )

Furthermore, 93% of marketers say they have found clients through the videos they posted on social media.

It's worthwhile to incorporate the videos you upload into your social media posts since it definitely is sure to attract your next customer.

If your visitors do not convert to one of your social channels -- like your site, for example by publishing videos on social networks there is still a possibility of making a great impression with your brand.

It doesn't matter whether you upload videos on your social media channels or not. If you're involved in any form of advertising, marketing or promotional videos, it's an absolute must. Take a look at the following stats.

#2. Video is an integral element of marketing strategies

Statistics on marketing via video: In 2020 92% of marketers say that video is an important element of their marketing strategies, which has grown from 78% in 2015. ( Wyzowl )

It's a huge leap within just five years.

Furthermore, there's a staggering 88% of businesses employ videos as marketing tools.

The numbers are sufficient to be able to stand on their own. These days, if you're not making use of video marketing, you're missing a significant opportunity for your business.

What is the outlook for the coming years? The significance of video will only grow.

#3. Marketing via video will not disappear.

Video marketing stat: 99% of marketers currently using videos will be using the medium until 2020. Additionally, 95% marketers anticipate increasing or maintaining their current spend on video-based marketing. ( Wyzowl )

Marketing professionals have had an impressive amount of success through the use of video so far that they're prepared to jump in towards it and keep investing in it.

This is a large majority of those that use video are ready to include it in the future in their future plans. With the number of data available you should give an idea a shot if you aren't currently. And if you've already tackled an episode or two now is the time to think about expanding your efforts.

To better understand the reason video marketing is adopted by a large number of people, read on.

#4. The power of video marketing is a proven method to draw interest

Statistics on video marketing: 85% of marketers think that video is an effective means of attracting interest to their websites and companies. ( Animoto )

Which makes sense because in terms of attracting attention, generally speaking, video takes the cake.

Actually, more than 500 hours worth of videos can be uploaded on YouTube each minute. The countless videos uploaded are seen by more than two billion viewers via YouTube.

Video is not just being a major media format used to create online content it's also the most well-liked format for longer-form video. Check out the following stat for more.

#5. Your viewers spend more time watching videos

Marketing statistics for video: People are expected to spend at least 100 minutes (that's 1.6 hours!) each day online watching videos by 2021. It will grow by 19% compared to 84 minutes of daily watching that was logged in 2019. ( Marketing Charts )

From a weekly perspective from an average week, the public watched an average of 6 hours and 48 minutes watching online video in the year 2019, which is a staggering 59% growth from only three years ago in 2016.

This is to say that online video is now the norm. The quantity of people who watch these videos is growing at an alarming pace and is becoming an integral part of the daily routine of watching.

The key here is to adapt to the established behaviour of streaming video and engage with your clients within their own environment, delivering the messages of your company.

This is the main benefit of adopting the use of video marketing. Let's look at some figures regarding the logistics of video marketing.

#6. Video-watchers can watch their video but without sound

Video marketing statistic: 92% of users view video without phone's sound off and 83% view with audio off. ( Broadcasting Cable )

In the wake of an increasing number of video online watching hours per year is only natural that the majority of this is performed on the go as well as in places that require you to remain discreet.

If you're looking to grab your viewers through your promotional videos, do so with captioned text as well as closed captioning.

One of the most important things here is to get the purpose of the video through without relying on audio. There is a good chance that viewers will be watching the entire video and that's why the second number.

#7. Video viewers will be more interested in longer-running videos.

Statistic on marketing via video: 52% of people will view a video for a long time, no matter how long. ( Vidyard )

An analysis of recent times revealed that an rise by 60 percent of the video advertisements are 30-second long , which represents an increase of over 55% of advertisements in the year prior.

The translation is that longer videos work.

Don't be afraid to create video content that is longer in length. If you're producing an advertisement, you should aim for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Regardless of length, though it's similar to other forms of media that your company creates, be sure to provide the audience with value first. If you do then your audience will be attracted to your website, as the following statistic shows.

#8. People prefer watching video clips of businesses

Video marketing statistics: 54% of customers want to watch more video from companies and brands they trust. ( HubSpot )

Particularly, 48% of customers would like the videos to highlight certain products or services they either own or are considering purchasing. They also say that 43% want interactivity as well as the capability to select the type of information they want to see and at when they'd want to see it.


In creating your videos, you must make sure that you make videos that are tailored to your audience's specific needs and wants. The more customized and relevant your video content, the better.

If you are able to customize your content in a easy way, then you're in the good position. Take a look at our next number.

#9. The use of video marketing for marketing is excellent way to convey the benefits of your service

Video marketing statistics: 96% of customers say they've seen an explainer film to find out more about a specific item or product or. ( Wyzowl )

Marketers have a clue to this fact, too.

This is why the most often produced types of videos are explaining videos (72 percentage) , followed by videos for presentations (49 percent) and testimonial videos (48%) as well as sales videos (42 percent) videos to promote advertising (42 percentage).

90 percent of marketers believe that the use of videos can increase the awareness of the public about their product or service.

In simple terms, it is why explainer videos have a lot of value. They give information on company's offerings to its customers.

If you're tackling a complex products or services, consider creating an explanation video. If it's easy and straightforward it's possible to create an explanation video, too.

Why? If you're looking to make your visitors convert to your ideal audience, an informative video will work wonders.

In the end, videos for marketing can be an effective method of influencing your audience's buying behaviour -- which is the subject of our conclusion we're providing on this particular day.

#10. Marketing via video influences the buying behavior of buyers

Statistics on video marketing: After watching a company's promotional video, 84% consumers are enticed to buy a product or product or. ( Wyzowl )

If your business can be shown in a video advert, that is also effective. Videos are the primary method people discover companies that are then able to purchase from.

In addition is that when it comes to videos on social media sites, YouTube is now the top platform that influences the habits of the users, taking over Facebook.

In a study conducted recently, 19% of YouTube users claim that the site helps users in making decisions about when they should purchase a product.

The bottom line is that video marketing could influence your clients' buying patterns and can be an effective means of convincing customers to purchase your products.

Today is a great time to get in front of a camera

With these statistics on video marketing in your mind now is the time to tackle the first impulse to create videos.

When you've overcome the fear of being awkward and the awkwardness that everybody feels when they create something new, you'll be proud that you did it.

For your company to grow in the way you'd like the way you want to, video marketing is an absolute requirement.

Meanwhile, have fun shooting!

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